Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Terrorism, Job Losses, And Health Care

There's a thread running through all of these things, as Heritage points out:

There are links between terrorist attacks, job losses, and the health care legislation that is being completed behind closed doors: 1) A massive failed bureaucracy didn't protect Flight 253 from a would-be bomber, so why expect that an even-larger bureaucracy can protect our health? 2)With 10% unemployment and 85,000 more jobs lost during the Christmas buying season, why pass a health care bill that promises to be a huge job-killer?

The common factor is that big government cannot efficiently guarantee homeland security or job security, much less health security. Big government is killing the economy by making it too risky for companies to create jobs.

While terrorist attacks and the suffering job market push health care out of the headlines, the threat of government-run health care moves ahead stealthily behind closed doors. Its hallmarks are exorbitant costs, extreme bureaucracy, and no help for the 85% of Americans who have coverage they find satisfactory (but just wish didn't cost so much). But the legislation is no longer about them.

As one writer observed, "What started as a plan to find ways to cover people who don't have insurance transformed into thousands of pages of new regulations, mandates, prohibitions, oversight and general central control."


Adding more taxpayer-funded bureaucracy was President Obama's announced response to a failed security system, and he's applying that same approach to health care, just as he does to jobs.

When the Labor Department announced the loss of 85,000 more jobs, President Obama's "solution" was to subsidize the creation of a claimed 17,000 "green" jobs by giving $2.3-billion in subsidies to wind and solar energy. That works out to $135,295 in taxpayer per money per job, but will also kill more jobs than it creates, by displacing current energy sector jobs.


So why make the job market worse by passing President Obama's health care plan? As The Heritage Foundation has assessed, the pending health care legislation—with its taxes, regulations and mandates—will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Big government is what is holding back the economy. More big government is the disease, not the cure.

As one business analyst tells the media "Unemployment is at 10 percent and all these businesses see are higher costs in the future from health care and other policies — so they are hoarding cash. They're making money, but why logically would any businessman use this money to expand if he doesn't know what all his costs will be because of the expansion of these government programs?"

Our biggest job-creators, small businesses, are especially skittish. As NFIB (National Federation of Independent Businesses) reports, after its latest national survey of small business, the problem is the uncertainty caused by big government:

The horizon is filled with cost unknowns, from healthcare to cap and trade to yawning deficits and the need to come to grips with them, from paid family and medical leave to card check, from expiration of the Bush tax cuts to state decisions about their finances. Washington cannot expect small business owners, facing difficult economic circumstances anyway, to commit themselves to investing in new employees or equipment and vehicles without acknowledging and revealing the policy-inspired costs that will be imposed on them. It is all about uncertainty and confidence.

similar and detailed description was also offered in the Wall Street Journal by economic scholars from Stanford and the University of Chicago (including Nobel Prize winner Gary S. Becker), who summarized the stifling threat as "changes that could radically transform the American economy."

As President Ronald Reagan so often reminded us, government is not the solution . . . it's the problem.

The bottom line is liberalism.  And yes, it most definitely is the problem.

There's my two cents.

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