Friday, September 12, 2008

Another Bolt Comes Loose...

...on the Obamessiah's campaign train:

Gallup has an astonishing new poll out today showing that on a generic congressional ballot, likely voters prefer a Republican to a Democrat 50-45. Among registered voters, Democrats enjoy a 48-45 advantage, yet that's still dramatically down from the double-digit advantage for most of this year.

Gallup writes:

If these numbers are sustained through Election Day -- a big if -- Republicans could be expected to regain control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Well, the GOP isn't about to bust out the champagne just yet, as so far this poll is the only one in the RCP Average for the generic congressional vote that shows Republicans in the lead. Still, Republicans have closed the gap to just 3.6 points.

This is a huge shift.  Not only has the Left been licking its collective chops about their assumed landslide victory for the Obamessiah in November for the past few months, but they've also been assuming a landslide victory in Congress, giving them veto-proof majorities in both houses of Congress.  The fact that McCain is leading or closing with Obama in polls all over the country is no surprise anymore.  What is a shock, though, is that it appears Congress is now in play.  As I've mentioned on more than one occasion on this blog, the President isn't the most critical race this year (although it is critically important) - the biggest one is the Senate.  If -- a big if, as is stated above -- this trend continues, the entire complexion of American politics changes.  Without a solid Democrat majority, even the Obamessiah would be hamstrung on accomplishing his far-Left agenda, largely neutralizing the damage (or progress, if you agree with him) he could generate.

Just a couple things to point out.  First, the bigger Rep margin is that of likely voters, not just registered voters.  That's a small but important difference.  Second, this is just one poll, and we need to look at the bigger trend, but even the direction in registered voters (going from double digit Dem to 3-point Dem) is a sign of that trend coming to a head.  Again, it will be very interesting to see if it continues.

I believe that it is typical for generic Congressional polling to show a Democrat edge, even when Republicans win high office.  I'd like to find some numbers to support that, so if anyone out there can point me in that direction, I'd appreciate it.  I'll do my best to dig it up and pass it along to you when I have something.

Meanwhile, the Obamessiah's propagandists in the MSM are still not helping him in their efforts to help him.  Another example of the lunacy that only turns off normal people is when animal rights activist and actress Pamela Anderson said Palin could 'suck it' for being a hunter.  Or, how about when Whoopi Goldberg and the View crew showed themselves to be totally unhinged when John and Cindy McCain made an appearance on the show?  Among the gems was the question of whether or not Whoopi would need to worry about becoming a slave again if McCain wins in November (uh...has she ever been a slave before??).  I can't wait to see the video of this one - I'll post it later for your amusement and mine.  The Washington Post also got caught changing (here and here) one of their front page stories which suggested that Palin thinks Iraq was directly linked to the 9/11 attacks.  Dan Payne at the Boston Herald said "[s]he's got a Taliban-like tolerance for beliefs unlike her own."  Cintra Wilson at offers the coup de grace:

I confess, it was pretty riveting when John McCain trotted out Sarah Palin for the first time. Like many people, I thought, "Damn, a hyperconservative, f***able[this is my edit, not hers], Type A, antiabortion, Christian Stepford wife in a 'sexy librarian' costume -- as a vice president? That's a brilliant stroke of horrifyingly cynical pandering to the Christian right. Karl Rove must be behind it."

Later, she added this little gem:

What her Down syndrome baby and pregnant teenage daughter unequivocally prove, however, is that her most beloved child is the antiabortion platform that ensures her own political ambitions with the conservative right. The throat she's so hot to cut is that of all American women.

You just can't make this stuff up!  For an idea of the sheer hatred and animosity the Left holds for Palin, read this entire article.  It's very interesting as an example of someone whose fundamental beliefs on just about everything is just about the opposite of mine.  It's also a study in irrational ranting which is pretty humorous if you can get past the insults and vitriol.

I just hope they keep this up!  The more desperate they get, the more crazy they get.  The more crazy they get, the more they hurt their own Obamessiah.  The more the Obamessiah suffers, the more desperate they get...

It's like watching a rabid cat trying to drown itself, but without the concern over the cat.

There's my two cents.


Right Truth said...

I'm loving the new poll results, they keep going Up Up Up (well, for McCain, hehehehehehaahahah)

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth

B J C said...

Yeah, me too! I have to keep telling myself that polls are just polls, and they really don't mean that much on their own...but, even if you look at the general direction of things, it's great news!