Friday, September 26, 2008

Shocking Revelations

Wow, Rush Limbaugh dropped a bombshell on the air today.  I'll try to post actual transcripts later, but here's the nutshell of what he said.

The much-anticipated White House negotiation meeting late yesterday afternoon was a total disaster.  Once the meeting began, Bush gave the floor to the Democrats to speak first, and all of them deferred to Barack Obama.  On his way to the White House for the meeting, Obama had received notes from a Goldman-Sachs executive and Wall Street fundraiser friend of some of his senior aides.  Based on those notes, Obama began by attacking the House Republicans as soon as he began speaking.  Boehner sensed an ambush but was unwilling to capitulate on his principles, the meeting immediately blew up, and Obama completely lost control of the meeting.  As people were storming out, Paulson begged all participants not to share the details of what happened in the meeting.

Obviously, someone felt it was more important to get the truth out.

Rush shared several conclusions.  They're not documented (yet), but the logic is inescapable.  First and foremost, it appears that the Democrats attempted to set up an ambush to make Obama look good.  By thrusting him forward to speak on their behalf, they were trying to make him the hero of the meeting so they could come out of the meeting and say he was such a good negotiator and so very presidential.  Second, it appears that Paulson (a Democrat, and the former head of Goldman-Sachs) has been working with Democrat leaders and/or Obama to arrange this bailout behind the scenes.  From the sound of things, Obama was so excited to get his hands on the bailout money (assuming he takes office in four months, of course) that he glossed over the fact that it wasn't a given.  Third, it is clear that Obama is clueless about what the House Republicans actually stand for, and that he relied on faulty information to commence his ignorance-based attacks.  From that awful starting point, Obama took the meeting downhill even further.

And this is the ultimate uniter???

Knowing their hero had totally botched the entire thing, Democrat handlers began the damage control immediately, putting Obama on TV and in the press last night.  Even the media was caught off guard, not knowing what had happened in the meeting, and therefore not knowing why the Dems wanted an immediate CYA for Obama.  They obliged, though, and Obama went on the record as saying, in effect, that he works better when he is out of the room but in 'constant contact' with everyone.  Democrats are openly blaming McCain for coming in and blowing up the meeting, even though it was Paulson who begged McCain to come back to Washington to build some Republican support.  Obama asked for time on the major networks to get this message out before the reality of the meeting became public knowledge.  In an interview with Brit Hume, Obama said that injecting presidential politics into a delicate negotiation is not helpful.

Um...if a President shouldn't be involved when the economy is teetering on the edge and when all parties are seated at the negotiating table, then when should a President be involved?

Obama is essentially admitting that he is not only incompetent to run a high-stakes negotiation, but that he also can't even decide or defend his own position on important issues!  If he's only available by phone, he has access to his handlers who will tell him what to think and say.  It's pitiful, and the most grave warning of his incompetence yet.

Boehner and Blunt (the House Rep leadership) came out today and confirmed the basics of this, with Boehner saying "nobody's rolling me" and Blunt adding the critical fact that if the Democrats were so sure of themselves on this bill, they have the votes -- RIGHT NOW, WITHOUT ANY REPUBLICANS -- to pass the bill.  Bush has said he'll sign it.  It's theirs for the taking, so Blunt almost dared them to do it.

Some of the talking points being parroted by the Democrat mouthpieces in the media, as well as some pointed questions that need to be answered:

1. Just a week ago, Harry Reid said they didn't know what to do about the financial crisis, but he was content to let Congress go on vacation before dealing with it.  Now, however, Reid is saying that Congress has all the answers and wants to get rid of the candidates?!  Also, they're now saying that if a deal isn't reached sometime this weekend, the world will end.  How does that work?!

2. There's a provision in the bill that gives ACORN 20% of something, but no one will say of what it is.  Is it 20% of the entire package?  How much does ACORN stand to gain from this bailout?  Does anyone recall that Obama got his start in ACORN?  How about that ACORN is under investigation for fraud and election tampering all over the country?

3. Reid and the Democrats are saying that McCain was worthless in the meeting, and didn't offer anything of substance.  If that's true, then why are they blaming McCain for ruining the whole thing?  He can't possibly have offered no substance but also blown up the entire meeting!

4. McCain screwed up a deal.  That's an outright lie.  While the Democrats and Paulson had apparently worked out their deal on the side, there was never any involvement in any deal by any Republican leadership in the House or Senate.

5. Democrats are saying that they refuse to bring forward a partisan bill, so they're demanding that Bush and McCain pull the Republican party together to support this thing.  Why???  They have all the votes they need in both houses of Congress to pass this bill, and Bush has already said he'd sign it into law.  What's the hold-up?  If they're so convinced that this bill is THE ANSWER, then why aren't they moving forward with it regardless of what Republicans say?  The only logical conclusion is that they know this bill would be an unmitigated disaster, and if they push this bill through without Rep support, they'll be crucified for it a very short way down the road.

The long and the short of this is that the Democrats are not serious about solving the crisis, but are looking at this situation through purely political eyes.  While some of that is to be expected, they have gone completely overboard, even to the point of staging an ambush on Republican leaders.  Now that it has failed, they're spinning madly to try to get their side of the story out before the truth comes out.

That truth is devastating: Obama is utterly, totally, fatally incompetent.

He couldn't even run a meeting with the power players in America when everyone in the room wanted to accomplish the same goal!  How in the world are we to believe that he could conduct negotiations with world leaders who have vastly different objectives that are in direct opposition to America's?

The truth shall set you free...unless you're a Democrat leader right now.  In that case, the truth will shackle you to yourself and thrash you until you get sent home in the next election.  The capital switchboard has been busy almost all day, so there are a LOT of Americans that are truly, truly angry about this.  If the Republicans can harness this anger, the Democrats are finished in November.  I'm not talking about just the White House, either - I'm talking about an across-the-board landslide victory on all levels.


There's my two cents.

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