Monday, September 15, 2008

Stay Classy, Left-Wing Hacks

The attacks on Palin just keep coming.  First, the New York Times continues its streak of neglecting objectivity by being a Left-wing hack machine, doing a lengthy story from Alaska (yes, this is after the Left swore it didn't send anyone to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin) about how evil and horrible she is.  Powerline has some good commentary, starting by pointing out the rather obvious:

[T]he reporters/Obama campaign staff couldn't find room for a single good word about Governor Palin. Thus, while they acknowledge that Palin currently has an approval rating of [86%], making her perhaps the most popular politician in the country, the reader is left to puzzle as to what her constituents could possibly like about her.

Every person who engages in public life has opponents and enemies, and if you talk exclusively to those people, and write an article solely from their perspective, you can easily make the subject look bad. (Imagine, say, an article on Abraham Lincoln that consisted entirely of quotes from Copperhead Democrats.) If the Times wanted to test that proposition, they could send a team of reporters to Chicago to search out and interview people who don't like Barack Obama. Somehow, though, I don't think that's on their agenda.

PAUL adds: Obama probably has fewer enemies back home. Palin has attacked corruption and attempted reform at the state and local levels. Obama has not. As John likes to say, his approach is "go along to get along." You don't make many enemies by voting "present."

Some excellent points!  But, the NYT seldom bothers with trivial things like facts when those facts get in the way of their agenda.

Next, The Atlantic seems surprised to learn that one of their photographers, Jill Greenberg, is a wacko nutball.  She was hired to take pictures of John McCain for one of their covers, but she also posted some edited versions -- showing McCain as a vampire with blood dripping from his mouth and with a partially melted face, for example -- of the pictures on her own website and gloated about her defacing of the pics.  This is the same woman who literally scared a bunch of babies into crying hysterically so she could create photos to attack George W. Bush.  Nice vetting, and nice photography.

The Colorado Springs Gazette rightly rips ABC's Charlie Gibson in his attempt to smear Sarah Palin into looking like a religious zealot during their interview:

This is the dishonest marginalization of a candidate some members of the mainstream media simply do not like. If she won't marginalize herself with outrageous statements, some will pull them from thin air. Even if Palin were as bold about God as the media pretend, it wouldn't put her in odd company. Consider the following presidential quotes.

Certainly no one should feel inclined to agree with them, but if Palin is too religiously extreme for public office, how do we explain Washington, Kennedy, Carter, Clinton and Reagan?

"It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible." - George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

"Let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking his blessing and his help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own." - John F. Kennedy, inaugural address, Jan. 20, 1961

"Let us teach our children that the God of comfort is also the God of righteousness. Those who trouble their own house will inherit the wind. Justice will Prevail." - Bill Clinton, April 23, 1985, after the Oklahoma City bombing

"Those who are lost now belong to God. Some day we will be with them." - Clinton, April 23, 1985, Oklahoma City

"You can not divorce religious belief and public service. I've never detected a conflict between God's will and my political duty. If you violate one, you violate the other." - Jimmy Carter, Atlanta, June 16, 1978

"Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged." - Ronald Reagan

One can agree or disagree with any or all of the above statements about God, and a great many others that have been made by presidents since the beginning of the this republic. What's indisputable, however, is the fact that presidents - on the left and right - have a tradition of claiming partnerships with God as they've steered the executive branch.

Palin, by contrast, has merely spoken of prayers that God might have a plan. She has been nowhere near as boldly religious as the men who have governed us for 200-plus years. Perhaps standards are different for women.

The Gazette knocks this one out of the park!  Agree or disagree with the statements themselves, there is simply no reconciliation with the way Gibson/ABC portrayed Palin and the way many previous Presidents have invoked God.  This is Left-wing hackery at its finest, and the Gazette doesn't let them off the hook.  Well done.

Finally (for this particular update...I'm sure there will be more in the next couple days), we have Missouri's own Senator, Claire McCaskill, who is a hardcore Obot.  On This Week over the weekend, she said the following:

"[T]his is a ticket that wants to put women in prison for having an abortion after they have been raped."

Aside from the obvious point that neither McCain nor Palin nor anyone associated with the campaign has ever said anything remotely close to her accusation, McCaskill also ignores the fact that no legitimate pro-lifer has ever proposed anything of the sort.  Kathryn Jean Lopez responds:

I don't know a single person who wants to throw a woman in jail for having an abortion. (Links that may be of interest here and here.) I know people who want to see abortion ended. I know people who want to help women (and men) and save children. But you use your dishonest scare tactics, Senator. But sometime you need to explain to me how you and your liberal feminist sisters' monolithic drivebys are more compassionate than groups like Feminists for Life who don't shy away from actually dealing with the repercussions of your sacred "choice."

Lopez is right, and McCaskill is clearly using scare tactics to smear McCain-Palin.  She has apparently decided it's more important to defend her savior rather than apply fact, history, and reason.

Finally, Powerline has the scoop on radical Left-wing talk show host Randi Rhodes, who has now suggested that Palin sleeps with teenage boys.


Keep it up, all you Left-wing hacks.  Just keep it coming.  The Obamessiah is dying from a thousand papercuts, and you're the ones holding all the paper.

There's my two cents.

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