Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Joe "Gaffe Machine" Biden Keeps 'Em Comin'!

Well, the Obamessiah's VP selection is churning out the gaffes faster than you can say oops...

From Jake Tapper at ABC about the AIG bailout:

"What has been clear during this entire past ten days is John McCain has not had clarity and a grasp on the situation," Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., told NBC's Matt Lauer in an interview that ran this morning.

Lauer was talking about how Obama hit Sen. McCain, R-Ariz., for flip-flopping on the AIG bailout -- saying he opposed it one day then announced he supported it the next day.

But, as Lauer pointed out, scarcely three minutes after McCain said he opposed the AIG bailout last week, "in an interview with Meredith Vieira, Joe Biden, your running mate was asked the exact same question: 'should the federal government bail out AIG?' And he said, 'No, the federal government should not bail out AIG.'" (As we noted at the time.) "And I think that, in that situation," Obama said, "I think Joe should have waited, as well."

Oops.  A public reprimand from the Obamessiah.  But, here's a bit more of the interview:

"But it's the kind of thing that drives people crazy about politics," Lauer said. "It sounds like you were trying to score some political points against John McCain using his words, when your own running mate had used very similar words."

"No, hold on a second Matt," Obama said. "I think what drives people crazy about politics is the fact that somebody like John McCain who, for 26 years, has been an advocate for deregulation, for 26 years has said the market is king and then starts going out there suggesting somehow that he's a populist who's been railing against Wall Street and regulation -- that's what drives people crazy about politics."

No, what you just did -- lying about and smearing your opponent -- is what drives people crazy about politics, you hypocritical hack!  Kudos to Lauer on this interview - this sounds amazingly like actual reporting with real questions!

Let's count.  That was oops #1.

Regarding Obama's support of stricter gun control:

In an out-of-nowhere attempt to re-assure a southwestern Virginia labor crowd about gun owners' rights, Biden -- who regularly scores "F" ratings from the National Rifle Association -- warned Obama that if "he tries to fool with my Beretta, he's got a problem."

"I guarantee you Barack Obama ain't taking my shotguns, so don't buy that malarkey," Biden said Saturday at the United Mine Workers of America's annual fish fry in Castlewood, Virginia. "Don't buy that malarkey. They're going to start peddling that to you."

Biden told the crowd that he himself is a gun owner. "I got two," Biden said, "if he tries to fool with my Beretta, he's got a problem. I like that little over and under, you know? I'm not bad with it. So give me a break. Give me a break."

Oops #2.

A recent Obama ad attacked McCain's war injuries, mocking his inability to send e-mail.  Biden's initial response?

I thought that was terrible.  I didn't know we did it, and if I had anything to do with it we'd never have done it.

Of course, he promptly reversed his position the next day (saying it was okay to ridicule McCain's war injury), but it's still oops #3.

And how about clean coal?

"We're not supporting clean coal," Biden said. "Guess what? China is building two every week, two dirty coal plants. And it's polluting the United States, it's causing people to die."

However, here's what Obama had to say about coal in his speech to the DNC a couple weeks ago:

"As president," said Obama, "I will tap our natural gas reserves, invest in clean coal technology and find ways to safely harness nuclear power."

The ABC report also mentions that "Biden's remarks also stood in stark contrast to his own comments this weekend at the United Mine Workers of America annual fish fry in Castlewood, Virginia, when he told the miners that 'we have enough coal in the United States of America to meet our needs domestically for the better part of the next 100 to 200 years.'"

Oops #4.

And don't forget this gem, when criticizing McCain's supposed lack of leadership about the economic crisis:

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed," Biden told Katie Couric.

That one was a two-fer: the stock market crashed in 1929 but FDR didn't take office until 1932; televisions were still experimental in 1929 and not commercially available.

Oops #5 and oops #6.

And all of these are just in the last few days!  For some previous gaffes by the Gaffe Machine -- like when Biden said Hillary would have been a better pick than he was, or for asking a wheelchair-bound man to stand up for the crowd, and more -- click here.

Victor Davis Hansen suggests that the Obama staff must have gone from amusement to embarrassment and now to serious concern whether Biden is up to the job.  They've got to be concerned, but they're still not admitting Clinton would have been a better pick:

"I am a great admirer of Sen. Clinton's," Obama said on NBC. "Joe Biden is also an outstanding public servant, and I am very proud of the choice that I made."

Just another affirmation of the Obamessiah's good judgment, apparently.

There's my two cents.

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