Monday, September 22, 2008

Big Election Update

Once again, there's more election news out there than you can shake a stick at! Here are some of the bigger bits of information.

The Leftist media is too busy chasing down whether Sarah Palin actually took a pay cut as Mayor of Wasilla (she did, the overall increase was due to inflation) to focus on the obvious lies, misrepresentations, and negatives from the Obamessiah. For example, Obama says he's all about equal pay for women, yet he pays the women on his own staff only about 78% of the men on his staff. McCain, on the other hand, pays his women staffers more on average than his men staffers. Two sets of rules for liberals, remember?

Some would say that Obama just needs to apply more tact. I don't think that's possible - he's getting desperate now, and is shooting for the jugular. For example, we keep seeing more and more brazenly inaccurate ads to come out of the Obama camp, like one which states that McCain's Social Security plan will cut senior benefits in half. says that's completely untrue:
This is a falsehood sure to frighten seniors who rely on their Social Security checks. In truth, McCain does not propose to cut those checks at all.

The ad refers to a Bush proposal from 2005 to hold down the growth of benefits for future retirees. Compared to the buying power of benefits paid to today's retirees, that would not have been a "cut" for anybody. It would have been a "cut" of half only in relation to benefits now promised to retirees who have yet to be born. And for average workers, that "cut" in 2075 was projected by one of Obama's own economic advisers to be 28 percent, not "half."

All current retirees would be covered by exactly the same Social Security benefits they are now under what the Obama campaign likes to call the "Bush-McCain privatization plan," which Bush pushed for unsuccessfully in 2005.

It's the politics of fear, coming from the Left, as usual.

As a follow up to that blatant racist ad against Rush Limbaugh last week, the king of talk radio blasts back, calling Obama out for relying on racial divisions to attack his opponents is unworthy to be President.

I suppose all this is to be expected, since Obama recently said he was going to become more aggressive, and asked his followers to do the same. He has certainly unleashed his attack hounds now - up to this point, he could claim plausible deniability on the vicious smears coming from his surrogates on the Left, but now he is taking a much more active role in the lies and deceit.

Another example of an outright lie is that he's still maintaining his indefensible defense of his repeated votes on the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. He claims McCain's attacks on his record are a lie, but the facts are the facts. Obama says he voted against the bill because it didn't have a provision to prevent any infringement on Roe v. Wade, but the record clearly shows it did. McCain put out an ad with that information, which made the Obama campaign go ballistic. Even more powerful is the statement by Gianna Jessen, an abortion 'survivor' who would not be alive today if Obama had his way with the BAIPA law:
“Mr. Obama is clearly blinded by political ambition given his attack on me this week. All I asked of him was to do the right thing: support medical care and protection for babies who survive abortion – as I did 31 years ago. He voted against such protection and care four times even though the U.S. Senate voted 98-0 in favor of a bill identical to the one Obama opposed. In the words of his own false and misleading ad, his position is downright vile. Mr. Obama said at the recent Saddleback Forum that the question of when babies should get human rights was above his pay grade. Such vacillation and cowardice would have left me to die if his policies were in place when I was born. Thank God they were not.”
Have no fear, I'm sure the Obamessiah will target this woman again in no time. There is no shortage of analysis on Obama's voting record on this issue, and it is simply indefensible...the problem is that the MSM is literally lying to cover his positions and history. Not only is he clinging to an old and provably wrong story, but his latest ad (which calls the accusation of infanticide support 'despicable') can be refuted by a look at the transcript of the debate on the bill, where Obama said:
[I]f we're placing a burden on the doctor that says you have to keep alive a previable child as long as possible and give them as much medical attention as — as is necessary to try to keep that child alive, then we're probably crossing the line in terms of unconstitutionality.
What he's saying is that it's just too much trouble to bring in another doctor to help the baby in the event that the abortion is botched and a living baby is born. If that isn't supporting infanticide (at least tacitly), it's still saying that once the mother simply decides the baby should die, that baby has no right to live from that point on no matter what happens. These are his own words! He is more concerned with following through on the abortion (i.e. killing the baby even if it's born alive) than in preserving life! Unreal...

I heard on the radio that he is also running an ad in Virginia that says McCain would overturn Roe v. Wade, thus making abortion illegal. This is an outright lie - not only does McCain not have the ability to overturn the ruling (the Supreme Court would have to do it), but even if the law were overturned, it wouldn't make abortion illegal at all. It would simply force all 50 states to pass their own law about abortion (which is the situation we had before the SC overstepped its bounds on Roe).
He's a former Constitutional lawyer, so he knows this. The only explanation for this ad is that he's using the politics of fear.

Here's one reason more and more people are dropping their support of Obama:

How's that for painting a picture of America as the land of opportunity and blessing? You see, despite the wacko Left and their hatred for America, and despite the MSM's continued insistence that America is the root of all evil in the world, most Americans actually think this is a pretty good place to be! When Obama talks to his friends (this was at that $28,000 a plate dinner for his Hollywood buddies), we find out who he really is and what he really thinks. The problem for Obama is that his pals on the Left are creating a situation that is approaching critical mass, where they will have destroyed his once-certain White House run with their crazy antics. Of course, he doesn't help himself much with statements like this.

It doesn't help any that his opponents regularly come under attack in an effort not to dispute or debate their claims, but just to silence them altogether. Last I checked, we had freedom of speech here in America, right? Apparently, Obama thinks that needs to go.

It's also interesting to look at who endorses the Obamessiah. In addition to the laundry list of terrorists, racists, and felons I've already blogged about before, we can now add the National Organization for Women to his list (despite having a woman on the other side of the aisle - remember, feminism is a club only for liberal women...). And, don't forget that Muslims love him all around the world. Leaders of Hamas, in Libya, the Nation of Islam, and other Islamists all around the world support him. A look at his donor list reveals 25 pages of Islamic-sounding names in just the "A" section...! McCain has none, and a look at our allies in the War on Terror indicate almost universal support for McCain. If a man is judged by his friends, then what does it say that Obama is real tight with a whole lot of people who hate America, while our comrades in arms against terrorism want McCain? You connect the dots.

Of course, he's seen some high-profile defections, too, including Donald Trump and Lynn Forester de Rothschild, both former Hillary supporters who are now supporting McCain. But it doesn't stop there - more and more Democrats are telling the Obamessiah that he needs to get his act together or he will lose in November. All the while, we still see the Clintons giving Obama the kind of backhanded compliments that we thought we'd see with an I-told-you-he-would-screw-it-up stance. It also appears that Joe Biden is losing the Catholic vote for the Obamessiah, with no less than 55 bishops now condemning his stance on abortion. This is a critically important voting bloc:
There are 47 million Catholic voters in the United States. One quarter of all registered voters are Catholics. At every presidential election in the past 30 years the Catholic vote has gone to the winning candidate, except for Al Gore in 2000. This year 41 per cent of Catholics are independents - up from 30 per cent in 2004. Psephologists claim practising Catholics were the decisive factor in the crucial swing states in 2004: in Ohio 65 per cent of Catholics voted for Bush, in Florida 66 per cent. They were drifting away in disillusionment from the Republicans and split 50-50, until Joe Biden worked his magic. This is electoral suicide by the Democrats.
Hugh Hewitt discusses the decline and fall of the Obama candidacy here, and says that the Democrats have been forced to hope for economic woes in order to win since Obama offers nothing but empty promises and far-Left policies. Even if all the African-Americans and education intelligentisia support him, it still won't be enough, and, though he still has time to right the ship, he has never yet been able to do so. Good news for McCain backers!

Some recent poll numbers on the candidates' readiness to be lead the country are very encouraging for McCain-Palin:

Sixty-three percent (63%) of voters say John McCain is prepared right now to be president, and 50% say the same thing about Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph Biden. Forty-four percent (44%) say the man at the top of Biden's ticket, Barack Obama, is ready, but 45% say he isn't. Just 26% say McCain is not ready, and 34% feel that way about Biden, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.Over half of voters (52%) say McCain's running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, is not prepared to be president, but 33% disagree.
Given that this election will likely rely heavily on independents and swing voters, here's the part that's got to give the Obamessiah the runs:
Among voters not affiliated with either major political party, 71% say McCain is prepared for the Presidency while just 35% say the same about Obama.
I've read in a couple different places that in this time of economic and security uncertainty, it is likely that people will vote for someone they feel is experienced and ready to go (i.e. a 'safe' choice), and that bodes well for McCain.

All this goes to show that the panic is beginning to set in inside the Democrat house in general, and the Obamessiah campaign in particular. Obama himself is a rookie candidate, having never won a tight race before (he relied on eliminating his opponents before the election clear up until he reached the U.S. Senate) and clearly showing his poor judgment and same-old stripes. His promises are empty, he's the consummate elitist, and he's nothing more than a fancy shine on the dim failed liberal policies of the past. The more people see of Obama, the more they see these things, and they don't like it. This loss of support is what is causing the Obama campaign to get more and more desperate, and they're flinging wilder and wilder accusations and lies up against the wall in the feverish hope that some of them will stick.

What's interesting for me to see is the reversal that appears to be happening on the two candidates. Six weeks ago, the Dems were united behind Obama and excited to get out there and support him; most of the Right was reluctantly, grudgingly going to vote for McCain simply because they REALLY didn't want Obama. Now, the Reps are united behind McCain-Palin and excited to get out there and support them, and the Dems are falling apart behind their candidate, who has been going steadily downhill is just about all facets of his campaign.

Irony aside, this is one of the good things about a long campaign season - you can only hide your true stripes for so long, and Obama's time has expired. We're now seeing more and more of him, and that's killing his run for President.

I hope it keeps up.

There's my two cents.

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