Monday, October 6, 2008

Finally, More Truth!

Finally, the GOP is starting to hit where it hurts! For some inexplicable reason, the perception in the public is that Obama will do better for the economy than McCain. Beats me, but that's what polling consistently shows us. The only way to counter that is, as I mentioned over the weekend, to correctly assign the blame for who got us into the current economic mess in the first place. Here's another ad that does just that (h/t The Jawa Report):

Here's another ad, also factually accurate and something people need to know about:

Spread the word.

Now, another critical front in the election battle is countering the media's blatant spin in favor of Obama. For example, you saw in my post earlier today about Obama's radical friends, some of whom are known (and unrepentant) terrorists. Sarah Palin made the following comments in a recent campaign speech (h/t
Gateway Pundit):

If you've watched the previous report, you know that what Palin says is true. However, the AP was quick to jump all over Palin's statements...calling them racist! Take a look:
By claiming that Democrat Barack Obama is "palling around with terrorists" and doesn't see the U.S. like other Americans, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin targeted key goals for a faltering campaign.

And though she may have scored a political hit each time, her attack was unsubstantiated and carried a racially tinged subtext that John McCain himself may come to regret.

Some expert opinions with which I happen to agree:

UPDATE: Glenn Reynolds adds, "Well, of course. If you criticize Barack Obama over anything, it's because you're a racist. No doubt that'll hold true if he's elected President, too, which will call for strict anti-racism laws to keep such things under control..."

UPDATE 2: Jules Crittenden has more on the "racially tinged" article.

UPDATE 3: Power Line wonders what's left?

When the McCain campaign ran an ad that had a white woman in it, it was denounced as racist. When it ran an ad that had an African-American man (Franklin Raines) in it, it was denounced as racist. Now the McCain campaign links Obama to a white man, the former terrorist, and still anti-American, Bill Ayers. That's racist too. I think we've exhausted just about all the possibilities.

This is what we can expect to see for the next month - every attack on Obama's policies or relationships will be labeled 'racist', no matter how much truth or validity it holds. Furthermore, there is no reason to think it will stop if Obama wins the White House...if anything, it will only get worse. And, as Reynolds in particular suggested, one of the first things he'll do is clamp down on free speech that just happens to be unfavorable toward him, probably using racism as his justification. The Democrats (including Obama) have already talked about bringing back the Fairness Doctrine, which is nothing more than a blatant infringement on free speech.

There are many reasons that the stakes are so high for this election, and this is one of the biggest. You have a part to play in it, so get informed (which you are doing by reading this blog), spread the word, and vote NO to Barack the Obamessiah.

There's my two cents.

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