Monday, October 6, 2008

More On Obama's 'Friends'

One of our greatest freedoms here in America is the right to vote for the people who will lead us. In order to do that, we have a responsibility to be informed about the candidates, their histories, their records, and their philosophies. We must have confidence not only in their abilities to lead, but also in their character and judgment. We must know the candidates.

Just days after Sarah Palin was announced as McCain's VP, a mini-army of dirt-diggers was dispatched to Alaska to find (or create) some juicy bits of scandal, yet Barack the Obamessiah's long-time friendships have remained largely unexplored by that same biased media. Finally, now that we're within a month of the election, some of these relationships are being explored.

Sean Hannity ran an hour-long special last Sunday night exclusively about Obama's ties to numerous prominent figures from the most radical Left-wing fringes of society - racists, terrorists, and America haters. His list of 'friends' is a list of people that normal folks would probably prefer to see behind bars, or at least put out of the country. You may have heard about one or two of these people, but unless you're extremely well-plugged-in, you haven't scratched the surface yet. Watch and learn about Barack Obama, the Democrat nominee for President of the United States:

They say you can judge a man by the company he keeps...

One other thing. Obama is desperate to persuade the American people that these relationships aren't important to him, or that they're somehow peripheral to what he's doing now. Once again, he's lying:

Gateway Pundit posted that video, and follows up with the following information:
UPDATE: Ayers Was on Woods Fund Board with Obama When He Stepped on Flag

UPDATE 2: Obama called the accusations a "smear" today at a rally today.

Founding Bloggers wants the Truth Squads on the case.

UPDATE 3: Michelle Obama had Ayers speak at a forum she organized in 1997.
But, the NY Times wants you to think that their paths just happened to cross. Right.
This report is completely devastating to Obama, and if this video is viewed by millions of people, Obama's bid for the Presidency will be finished. I cannot stress to you enough that this information needs to be passed along to as many people as you know. Don't take my word for it...take the word of the experts, the witnesses, and the key people in the videos above.

Is Barack Obama the kind of man you want leading this nation? Do you want someone with long-standing, close relationships with terrorists, racists, and avowed America haters sitting in the White House?

Spread the word.

There's my two cents.

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