Friday, July 31, 2009

DeMint Answers Biden's Challenge

In a recent speech, VP Joe Biden rhetorically asked of his critics, 'What would you do'? Fortunately, someone like Sen. Jim DeMint is around to answer:

Hot Air raises an excellent point:

DeMint does a good job of outlining some of those options, but the biggest gaffe from Biden is that no one bothered to ask that question in February. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid insisted on locking Republicans out of the process of creating the stimulus package. Republicans had offered a range of options, including backing another Democratic plan from Rep. Walt Minnick (D-ID), which stripped everything out of Porkulus except funds spent in 2009 — and it would have cost a sixth of Porkulus. START would have focused entirely on short-term stimulus and left out a generation of the Left’s pet projects and wasteful spending, including $300 million on golf carts.

Instead, the Obama administration backed the steamroller tactics of Pelosi and Reid — and America got flattened. Biden wants to know what else they could have done. They could have started by listening to Republicans when it counted, not just ask rhetorical questions to cover for Biden’s admitted misreading of the economy.

They could also try reading a history book, or maybe an Econ 101 textbook, too. Some people think those might have helped.

There's my two cents.

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