My impression is that the American people were willing to give Obama a few months before beginning to hold him accountable for his actions; that grace period is rapidly ending. It'll be interesting to see if this downward trend continues; I suspect it will closely follow the economic numbers.Thirty-two percent (32%) of likely voters believe the United States is heading in the right direction, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
While that's only down two points over the past week, it's the lowest level found on the question since mid-February.
Sixty-two percent (62%) of voters say the country is moving down the wrong track, up a point from last week and also the highest level since February.
The percentage of voters who believe the country is moving in the right direction spiked at 40% in early May but hovered around 37% through June before slipping to 34% last week.
But there's more. Check out this Hot Air report of a recent poll on Obama himself:
The honeymoon is over, the bloom is off the rose, the shine is gone...however you want to say it, the truth is that people are now expecting results, and the Obama/Democrat policies are not providing them. As the economy continues to stutter, these trends will continue. This is an absolute gold mine opportunity for real conservatives who are willing to stand up and boldly provide an alternative to the liberal tax-and-spend policies that are re-making America.Net approval: Down 15 points since June. Net who say they'd vote to reelect The One rather than vote for someone else: A measly +3, down 13 points. Number who say they're confident the stimulus will turn the economy around: 39 percent, also down 13 points. And the number who say the country's "seriously off on the wrong track": 55 percent, up 13 points.
Surely this trend is a function of miserable unemployment numbers, bound to reverse itself instantly once the economy starts cranking out jobs again, right? Hmmm:
In the context of decreasing levels of confidence in the current stimulus package, coupled with discussion about the viability of another one, the Poll shows very little support for a proposal for another stimulus package, with only 36% saying they would support such a proposal and 52% saying they would oppose it, with 40% saying they would strongly oppose it.
At the same time, it is clear that concerns over the prospect of greater deficits trump concerns over economic recovery. When given the choice, voters would prefer a slower economic recovery that incurs smaller deficits than a quicker economic recovery with greater deficits. Specifically, 71% of voters say they would choose a slower economic recovery with a lower deficit, compared with 23% of voters who say they would prefer a quicker recovery with a higher deficit.
Bring on the fight caucus!
There's my two cents.
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