Let's dig in!
Cass Sunstein --- Obama's Regulatory Czar; says America is too racist for socialism, and is an open Communist
Kevin Jennings --- Obama's Safe Schools Czar; wants to implement pro-gay curriculum for Kindergarteners, supports the North American Man/Boy Love Association, wrote the foreword for a book on pedophilia, defended the murder of someone in the name of standing up for gays, funded pornographic anti-Christian art displayed at Harvard, and is attacking the Boy Scouts of America and covering up the statutory rape of a minor
Ron Bloom --- Obama's Manufacturing Czar; promotes Communist mass-murderer Mao Tse-Tung
Anita Dunn --- Obama's White House Communications Director; told high school students in May 2009 that one of her favorite political philosophers was Communist mass-murderer Mao Tse Tung
Andy Stern --- Obama's most frequent visitor to the White House; President of SEIU (huge union organization), has visited the WH over 20 times in the past few months, is dedicated to building a global organization through the use of government power and intimidation, advocates redistribution of wealth
Susan Crawford --- Obama's Internet Czar; attempted to nationalize and control the entire Internet
Quentin Young --- Obama's long-time friend and personal physician; a dedicated Marxist and member of Communist organizations through the years, seeks government control over all health care in America
John Holdren --- Obama's top science adviser; advocates forced abortions and sterilizations, believes that a fetus will 'eventually' grow into a human being when it's a few years old
Carol Browner --- Obama's Climate Czar; radical socialist who was caught telling her people not to put anything in writing so that they could never be held accountable for anything, member of global organizations that demand wealthy countries ruin themselves to pay for poor countries' eco-development, also destroyed files in violation of a federal judge's order
And this is just a start. Many, many more czars are described here.
Oh, sure, some have departed when the scrutiny got too hot, but they've generally been replaced by people just as radical.
And, of course, we can't forget the racist and Marxist Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the Communist Van Jones, the domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, and the whole rest of the Cabinet of the Crooked. See the best quotes from these radicals in their own words here. As an afterthought, don't forget all of his nominees who failed to pay their own taxes, including Tom Daschle, Nancy Killifer, Tim Geithner, Hilda Solis. And, we should also mention others who have been tainted by various scandals like Bill Richardson, William Lynn, Rod Blagojovich, or Eric Holder, to name just a couple.
Given that a startlingly high number of Barack Obama's closest advisors are dedicated Communists, is it any wonder he skipped the 20th anniversary celebration of the fall of Communism?
The very existence of all these czars and other radicals is blatantly unconstitutional and extremely troubling, and normal Americans simply don't feel comfortable with such radicals. The fact that Obama does -- and given the sheer number of them he's chosen to associate with on both a professional and personal basis, it's ludicrous to say he doesn't -- is cause for grave concern all by itself.
If a man can be judged by the company that he keeps, what is the only possible conclusion that can be reached about Barack Obama?
There's my two cents.
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