To recap Calderon's position: when it comes to Arizona, legally requiring 'papers' is racist, and enforcing one's borders is inherently anti-civil rights. When it comes to Mexico, it's obvious that one needs to require 'papers', and if someone is found to be present illegally, it's equally obvious that they should be sent home.
"Live from New's Saturday Night!!!"
No, just kidding about that last part. But, is this not the most bald-faced hypocritical thing you've ever heard? And this is all in the same interview!
When Arizona passed their law, 64% of the American people supported it. In the time since then, that support has increased significantly, to 71%. Of course, not everyone agrees:
I'm sorry, but there is something fundamentally wrong with one of the two primary political parties in this country when they give a standing ovation to a foreign dignitary who decries a law legitimately passed by one of our states to protect its citizens from economic, criminal, and health dangers because the federal government has failed to do so.
Am I wrong here?
The problem is the Blame America First mentality, and the Obama administration is steeped in it, as are all dedicated liberals. I wonder if these people even have the brains to realize what would happen if they get their way? No borders, free handouts for all (until the tax revenue dried up), no law other than what is most politically correct at the moment, no freedom to choose their own car or TV or food, no ability to criticize anyone in a position of power... Is this really the kind of place they want to live in? Do these people not understand that if they succeed, the very same freedoms and prosperity they are using to attack America will evaporate? Are they really that blind to the logical conclusion of their efforts?
I can't decide if it's better or worse if they really are. Regardless, this is the battle we face, and it's one that will have dramatic consequences for this country and the whole world. We must not fail.
There's my two cents.
Related Reading:
Liberal outraged that Arizona also bans classes that teach how to overthrow America
Awesome: In response to LA mayor's suggestion that they boycott Arizona, Arizona power company 'boycotts' sending power to LA
There's a quote that I found on FFN that I really do love. According to the story I got it from, it's from the musical version of Dracula and says, "This is a war and we must be the victors-there's to much to lose if we fail."
Sounds very fitting for the present day political battle if you ask me.
On the subject of Mexico, talking about hypocrites makes me really really mad. It really does. Why are we talking to this pathetic lump who can't even control crime in his own country? Who publishes pamphlets encouraging people to sneak in?
And what seriously: what kinda dope is Obama on? Oh, that's right, Hopium.
So how come even though he's the one smoking the rest of us are the ones choking on the secondhand smoke?
Yeah, that's a good phrase. And yes, you make some good points about Mexico, too. I'd love it if someone actually asked him in a live press conference how he can so resoundingly condemn American attempts to discourage illegal immigration while his own policy is vastly more restrictive, punitive, and harsh than ours? Of course, that reporter would probably find himself in a real life kidnapping scenario shortly thereafter...
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