Monday, May 17, 2010

Is It His Katrina Yet?

Legal Insurrection asks the question the media simply cannot fathom admitting:
The evidence mounts of bungled permitting, delays in response, and understating the impact:
What will it take for it to be His Katrina? Waddaya think, Brownie?

Verdict. Not His Katrina yet, because there was no cover-up:
Yeah, but that cover-up by Obama and BP is all George W. Bush's fault, too.  It has to be...everything related to oil is always Bush's fault.

Oh, and here are a couple other very interesting details that you should likewise ignore about the ugly truth to this disaster:

    - the federal government failed to inspect this particular oil rig at the intervals stated by regulation, and sometimes spent less than two hours on site
    - the Obama administration presented an award to this particular oil rig for its 'extra' attention to safety and best practices

Reminder: Barack Obama was one of the top recipients of BP's political contributions in 2008.  But I'm sure that's completely unrelated.

There's my two cents.


J. Thomas Hunter said...

Thank you for that reminder about BP donating so much to the President's campaign. The left is asserting that this spill happened because oil companies corrupted the Department of the Interior's Minerals Management Service by giving money and gifts to government officials. Obama is now one of those government officials. He, in other words, cannot claim that other government officials were corrupted by the money and gifts they received without speaking to whatever effect those exorbitant donations to his campaign had on his ability to formulate a judicious oil policy.

Great piece, buddy.

B J C said...

JTH - no problem! I thought it was a good reminder, too. I can't wait to start seeing the campaign videos come out that juxtapose him blasting those eeeeevil 'government officials' for being corrupted...and then showing how he's the #1 recipient of that money. Delicious!