Monday, April 21, 2008

Here Comes PA!

Tomorrow is the big Pennsylvania primary, where the results could finally end the Democrat race for a nominee.

Just kidding.

Regardless of the outcome, Hillary has never indicated anything other than a fight to the finish.  So, how are the two candidates looking?  Hillary has had a sizable lead there over the past few weeks due to the fact that she's always polled better with the large number of working class whites (which have overwhelmingly supported Hillary in most states), but Obama has narrowed the gap considerably.  But, his insult to gun-toting Bible-thumpers pretty much stopped his momentum, and Hillary remains ahead by a few percentage points.  Basically, the numbers break down pretty cleanly by demographic lines (elderly to Hillary, young to Obama, etc.).  Depending on where you look, you can find a Clinton lead of anywhere from 1% to 11%, but it's always a Clinton lead.  Even the Obama campaign has said they don't really expect a win.  Clinton really needs a big win if she wants to rebound her fundraising and get some momentum back into her people.  And, given that the entire race now centers around persuading superdelegates of electability, a win here would give her a solid argument at taking a shot of the working class white vote from McCain.  The desperation is pretty obvious, though, as both candidates are running nasty attack ads on TV.

Not surprisingly, there is another gaffe to relay to you.  The day after last week's debate, Barack Obama flipped Clinton the bird, and it was caught on camera (follow the link to see it for yourself).  He supposedly scratched his nose, but we all know how that works as a cover for the cheap gesture.  Probably the most telling proof of his action is that his supporters in the crowd roared with applause and laughter.  Lee Cary discusses what this tells us about Barack Obama (excerpts):

At its basest level, it displays his immaturity.  Why in the world would a U.S. Senator use an obscene gesture to send a marginally subtle message to his inter-party opponent in a nomination campaign?  That's just not smart.  He will, if challenged on it, deliver an incredible denial alleging that such an interpretation is itself another effort of gotcha politics.  But that will hang by a shred of cloth, at most.  Only children below middle school (hopefully) and the visually impaired can miss his intention.

It was also act of arrogance. As Forest Gump would say, "Arrogance is as arrogance does."  This was Obama arrogance on display.  His followers saw it, too, and they cheered. That is nearly as disturbing. This guy is not running for a seat on the City Council of a small town. In mine, and most small towns, giving the bird to an opponent would seal defeat in a close election. The obvious fact that his followers liked what he did, and that he enjoyed them liking it, should give us sober pause.

It was an act of self-defeating stupidity for a politician at his level.  If you're a Hillary Clinton supporter and you see this, what impact does it have on you?  In a voting public evenly divided between the two major political parties, Obama as the nominee will need support from all of Hillary's backers. If you're one of them, will you forget the "finger" moment?  Not likely.  His was the behavior of a divider, not the uniter he claims to be.

Lastly, it was an act of someone who is being seduced by the adulation of those he has seduced.  The questions he objects to pertain to his character. We care more about that, as Americans, than the inside-the-Beltway wonkishness of programs and policies that he says we want to hear about. The literate among us have gotten those points already, thank you.

All of these are great points.  Obama has revealed himself to be a radical, childish elitist who is incapable of (or unwilling to) rise above gutter-level trash talking.  The fact that his supporters loved it should be disturbing to the rest of us adults in the country who have the mental fortitude to discuss policies and character.  I think it is especially important to reiterate Cary's point that these were the actions of a divider.  Remember the polls showing one in four Clinton supporter will vote for McCain if Obama wins the Dem nomination?  How likely do you think this "finger moment" is to bring them back into the fold?  Could the defection number creep even higher because of this snide arrogance shown on Obama's part?

Cary warns that pride goeth before the fall, and he's right.  But, I'm content to let him keep the attitude.  It should make for a nice contrast with John McCain, especially given his voting record of dodging tough issues.  Then again, the Obama masses haven't really showed any inclination to care one bit about what Obama has actually said and done in the past.  There's no other rational explanation for the fact that they still faint at his rallies, even though he's friends with terrorists, racists, and hate-mongers.

Speaking of Obama's checkered past and record, click here to see a video compilation of some choice bits of history about Barack Obama (hat tip Marie's Two Cents).

But, both candidates are tainted.  Thomas Lifson writes about how both Clinton and Obama has dubious ties to Central American drug-running terrorists.  Bad news.

Let the PA voting commence!

There's my two cents.


Anonymous said...

In my opinion, it doesn't really look like Obama is flipping the bird in that video. It looks like he was scratching his cheek, and I highly doubt he would do something so bold in a speech he knows is being videotaped.

What I do know is two things:

1. That will in NO WAY factor into my ultimate vote (which is very much in the air). Even if all things between McCain and Obama were equal, I would not decide the presidency on whether or not that was a "flipping of the bird" or not. So, I don't know why it matters.

2. Obviously, video footage of "flipping the bird" does not preclude someone from becoming president...

B J C said...

You say poh-tay-toh, I say poh-tah-to. As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It seems pretty clear to me this is what he's doing, and it seems clear to the audience, too. But, we are obviously watching the same thing with two different interpretations of it.

First, let me say I applaud you for stopping to think about your decision. I think that's one of the problems in this election - too many people have been caught up in nuttiness, whether the Obama savior syndrome, or the take-Hillary-out-at-any-cost crusade, or whatever. If more people would stop and think about the policies that these candidates are pushing, we'd all be better off.

Speaking for myself, I think that flipping the bird is inappropriate for anyone at that level. We can all understand that these people are only human, too, and that they must have a way to blow off some stress at times. But, I expect my President to be professional at all times when he/she is on camera. It is simply inexcusable for any politician at that level to resort to no-class crudity like flipping the bird. It's inappropriate when Obama does it, it's inappropriate when Bush does it, it's inappropriate when anyone at that level does it.

I think we agree on more than we disagree here! Thanks for your comment!