Friday, April 25, 2008

Where's That Gas Plan, Nancy?

It seems Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is having a hard time following through on one of her campaign promises (yes, I know, that's a real shocker).  House Republican leaders sent her a letter, asking for her previously-touted (when she was in the minority) plan to lower gas prices:

"Two years ago this week, you stated that House Democrats had a 'commonsense plan' to 'lower gas prices,' " the letter said. "In light of the skyrocketing gasoline prices affecting working families and every sector of our struggling economy, we are writing today to respectfully request that you reveal this 'commonsense plan' so we can begin work on responsible solutions to help ease this strain."

They're referring to this:

In a press release dated April 24, 2006, Pelosi said, "Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels."

The House GOP leaders' letter points out that the price of gasoline has spiked $1.18 since Democrats took over in January and stands at $3.51, and that a 'nightmare' scenario of $4 gas is now already happening in some cities (including San Francisco, Pelosi's home district).  Pelosi's office offered no comment.

I find it refreshing and encouraging that there are at least a few Republicans who still have some sanity and fight left in them!  This is the kind of 'reaching across the aisle' that I like to see!

Michelle Malkin adds more fuel to the fire, suggesting that if Pelosi is going to complain about the gas prices, maybe she should start out with knowing what they actually are (even if it means asking her government driver).  In an interview with Larry King, she stumbles all over herself (I'll try to post the video later) before saying the current price is $2.56/gallon.  Then, when King tells her it's $3.50/gallon, she does a brilliant burst of liberal math and observes that it has gone down by 6 cents.

Okaaaaay...  And this is the person third in line in the Presidency order of succession...

I'm not sure which is more scary, the fact that she's so out of touch with normal Americans, or that she can't even do basic arithmetic while presiding over the largest economy in the history of the planet.

Probably both.

There's my two cents.

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