Monday, April 21, 2008

Illegal Immigration Update

From the Washington Times:

If you've grown tired of dodging all the Iraq war movies at theaters in recent months, we've got good news: Hollywood appears to be taking on a new issue.We'll give you a couple hints: It's another hot-button topic that's been dominating headlines lately, and it's factored into the plots of 2004's "Maria Full of Grace," 2006's "Fast Food Nation" and last year's "Babel," among others.

Yep, the issue is illegal immigration in the U.S., and you can expect to see it explored on the big screen with increasing frequency in coming months.
Now for the bad news: If two fictionalized movies currently playing are any indication, we may be in for a lot of manipulation.

This article describes two current movies clearly designed to make America look mean and awful for not throwing open the doors to illegal aliens. In both, the main characters are sympathetic, good looking, smart, compassionate, and possess every other virtuous characteristic, while Americans are portrayed as selfish, violent, ignorant, and generally all-around evil. Both movies plainly depart from any attempt at objectivity, seeking only to blast America, American values, and Americans themselves in much the same way that last year's rash of anti-war movies did.
Time will tell if these movies actually succeed at the box office, but my guess is they will not (once people figure out what they're all about). But, this is your warning - the illegal alien flicks are coming. Another recent story that I thought was valuable to pass on is some actual numbers concerning one of the unintended consequences of rampant illegal immigration. Due to the current policy of catch-and-release (instead of prosecuting and/or deporting, they're just let go), North Carolina has suffered big-time from drunk illegals:

Seven-year-old Marcus Lassiter won't see his eighth birthday. George Smith was on his morning commute to Duke University but never made it to work. Betty Coates might struggle with daily tasks for the rest of her life.

Hispanics also account for 18 percent of drunken-driving arrests, while making up less than 7 percent of the state's population, according to a study from the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center aired in WRAL's documentary "Focal Point: Crossing the Line."

The study also showed that Hispanics involved in car crashes were 2.5 times more likely to be drunk than white drivers and three times more likely to be drunk than black drivers.

In the three cases listed above, each of the accused drunken drivers had extensive contact with the judicial system – but had managed to elude the immigration system until these incidents.

Americans need to understand that this is a very complex issue that includes many facets of American life: border security (and national security), the consistent rule of law, crime, disease, economic drain, health care drain, and more. The numbers in North Carolina are some of the first I've seen that actually nail down the harm done to citizens by illegals. Just imagine what some of the actual borders states might be! I'll be sure to report it if I find them, but this should be enough for us to DEMAND action from Congress.

Speaking of Congress, what are they up to now? The Bush administration waived some regulations earlier this month that were holding up the construction of the border fence, opening up the way for actual construction to begin. While this was a great sign of actual progress, hope was premature. The Center For Individual Freedom reports that 14 members of Congress have now filed a lawsuit to stop the building of the border fence based on environmental concerns. Since they don't have any real legitimate leg to stand on, they're appealing to the one area which might actually pull some citizen support - nature. This would be an interesting contest if it wasn't so ludicrously laced with political correctness. The really stupid part of this is that opponents of the fence are supposedly so concerned by the potential effects of what may happen to animals that they are completely ignoring the observable effects currently happening to actual human beings!!!

Unfortunately, all the open-borders lobby has to do is stall long enough for the next administration to occupy the White House - all three candidates will likely kill any attempts at actual border security. For another example (you can search my blog for many, many others) of what unchecked illegal immigration is doing to America, CFIF reports on the same hospital in Dallas where JFK died years ago:

Approximately 16,000 babies are born there every year -- that's almost 44 every day. And according to a 2006 survey, 70 PERCENT WHO GAVE BIRTH THE FIRST THREE MONTHS OF THAT YEAR WERE ILLEGAL ALIENS. The total cost for delivering babies? A WHOPPING $70.7 million! Medicaid (paid for by state and federal taxpayers) put up $34.5 million and Dallas County taxpayers kicked in $31.3 million.

These are the consequences of illegal immigration. It hits you in all facets of life: economic, crime, national security, health care, and more. Sadly, members of our own government are
actively engaged in preventing border security! I'll post a list of the traitors on here later tonight so you can see who they are.

is the time to get something done. There are measures out there being driven by a handful of people in Congress who are truly attempting to push through real reform that would benefit you and me, but they need a constant effort from the American public to support their uphill battle. Call your Senators and Representative and give them a piece of your mind. E-mail them with your expectations (and encouragement, if they oppose open borders). Get involved - we have just a few months left to get it done. If it doesn't happen now, you can bet it will be at least another four years of the same rampant illegal immigration, and the accompanying consequences.

There's my two cents.

Here's the list of Democrats suing to kill the border fence:

Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Homeland Security Committee Chairman

John Conyers (D-MI), Judiciary Committee Chairman
John Dingell (D-MI), Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman
Bob Filner (D-CA), Veterans Affairs Chairman
George Miller (D-CA), Education and Labor Committee Chairman
James Oberstar (D-MN), Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chairman
Silvestre Reyes (D-TX), Intelligence Committee Chairman
Louise Slaughter (D-NY), Rules Committee Chairwoman

Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY)
Susan Davis (D-CA)
Raul M. Grijalva (D-AZ)
Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)
Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)
Solomon Ortiz (D-TX)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the heck is Bob Filner doing on the list (VA). Geepers! He should know better.