Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Update On War And Terrorists

I've got a bunch of links to stories about our war effort and the terrorists we face.

First, a bit of good news.  An 8-year old girl in Yemen was granted a divorce from her 30-year old husband because she had not yet hit puberty.  The court also ordered the child's family to pay the husband about $250 in compensation.  Shocked?  Don't be.  Marrying minor girls is common in poor Muslim countries ruled by Sharia law.  Oh, by the way, this is the legal system that Muslims and radical terrorists want to implement here in America (for those who aren't tortured and killed outright first).

Proof of Saddam Hussein's connections to Al Qaeda has now been released in the form of documents from Hussein's own government archives.  Among the damning revelations is the fact that Al Qaeda runs the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which was a group Hussein supported specifically by name, both with financial support and training.  Hussein's records also showed that he aided terrorist organizations through funding and training for use both inside and outside of Iraq.  See the article for all the juicy details, but the discussion is now over.  Anyone who now says Saddam Hussein had no connection to Al Qaeda is either lying or ignorant.

Take some time to think about what happens if Barack Obama becomes President.  He'll be the one with the proverbial finger on the trigger of our nuclear arsenal, and the one primarily responsible for deterring the trigger-fingers of other nuclear-armed nations around the world.  James Lewis speculates on what Obama would do if/when Iran got nuked up, and it's not pretty.  He says there would be two choices:

Option 1: Stick with his electoral promises, fly to Tehran, and "talk to the mullahs." What will the mullahs wish to talk about, after talking up the glory of martyrdom warfare for thirty years? For three decades the daily chant was "Death to America! Death to Israel!"  The Left is sure the Khomeini cultists can't possibly mean that. But now they are faced with a 15-minute warning time if the mullahs do mean what they've been telling us since 1979.

Maybe the mullahs will ask President Obama how high the US will jump? How quickly will the Saudi royals get out of Arabia and give it to the Khomeini cult, which is convinced that it has the historic right to the two holy cities of Mohammed? How long until the price of oil doubles? And, Mr. President, you get those US Navy ships out of the Gulf of Imam Khomeini, right now. Or else we will swarm your Navy ships with fleets of gunboats and see who blinks first. Martyrdom is glorious.
  Call Option One the Jimmy Carter option.

Option 2: Flip the bird  to your lifelong friends on the Left and reverse all their foreign policy ideas. Send several battle groups within striking distance of Tehran. Beef up our forces next door, in Iraq, the Gulf and Afghanistan. Get serious with the Russians to pull their engineers out of Iranian nuclear plants. Block North Korean help for A'jad's Bomb. Stop German companies like Siemens from selling advanced electronic gear to the mullahs. Turn Syria around, to isolate Iran's proxy armies in Lebanon and Gaza. Mount more state-of-the-art missile defenses on Aegis war ships --- we have 82 of them, a formidable world-wide missile defense if we ever decide to use them. Finally, build up US troop numbers.

And then let the New York Times go into hysterics.

Call Option Two the "George W. Bush strategy." Or if you don't like that, it also happens to be the Wilson-FDR-JFK-LBJ-Truman strategy. It used to be standard Democrat foreign policy, before the Dems turned hard left after 1968.

Don't forget about the turmoil that would ensue in the Middle East if Iran (which most of its neighbors fear going nuclear) gets the bomb.  If you think oil prices are high now, just wait until that panic sets in.  And, don't be surprised if several more oil-rich countries pay through the teeth to get their own nuclear weapons.  What then, President Obama?  Are you going to eat more waffles and avoid the question?

Lewis goes on:

Presidents have to make real decisions with real consequences. So far, Obama hasn't shown any willingness to make hard choices, even in his political campaigns. He wants to be the messiah, but without renouncing bad characters like Rezko or Wright or Ayers.  Like Bill Clinton, he's great at having his cake and eating it, too.

Since the Left has been completely wrong about foreign policy since Jimmy Carter, they are very poorly equipped even to think about an Iranian Bomb.  That's why they keep denying that there's any real problem with nuke proliferation. And yet it's rushing straight at us, like that roaring locomotive in the tunnel.

Right on!  Obama is completely unprepared to be President.  His character is lacking, his experience is lacking, and his track record (what there is of it) is lacking.  He would invite disaster.

But how realistic is this scenario?  Well, we know Iran is working toward nuclear weapons - they've been quite plain about it for years.  Belligerent, in fact.  Defense Secretary Robert Gates says Iran is 'hell bent' on obtaining nukes.  And there's also this article, where Israel warns of a nuclear Iran:

Benjamin Netanyahu, the former and possibly future prime minister of Israel and head of the Likud opposition party, warned that a nuclear-armed Iran will put the oil reserves of the Persian Gulf under their control and could easily bring down governments or fold them into Iran's realm.

"Their goals are unlimited. Whatever successes they have had so far, they don't intend to stop. The militant Shiites in Iran are openly boasting that they are racing to develop nuclear weapons with the explicit announced goal of wiping Israel off the face of the map, and of reestablishing the caliphate, of course under militant Iranian rule."

"I said a year and a half ago that the year is 1938 and Iran is Germany and it's racing to acquire nuclear weapons. If that's the case, we're now 1939. There is about two years left before Iran becomes a nuclear power.

"The bottom line is that the army of Iran with nuclear weapons must be stopped."

Netanyahu said "the first thing we must do – and by we, I mean the civilized community of nations – [is] to do everything in our power to prevent the arming of Iran with nuclear weapons."

Also of note at this point is Iran's recent statement that they want to become a military superpower that will protect all Muslims anywhere in the world.  Let's connect the dots, shall we?

On a slightly different topic, did you know that Hamas -- the murderous terrorist group that currently has 40,000 rockets aimed at Israel and is itching to fire them -- has now officially endorsed Barack Obama for President?  Hmmm...

If you haven't yet read my previous post (earlier today) about Dr. Peter Hammond's column, do so right away.  It describes the incremental infiltration of Islam around the world, and is something you must understand in order to comprehend the true war on terror.

Fortunately, there is finally a politician in Congress who gets it and is willing to take a bold stand (hat tip Right Truth):

Rep. Sue Myrick wants America to "wake up" and stop allowing terrorism to proliferate -- and if that means revoking the passport of a former U.S. president or examining the preaching of prison chaplains, that's what she's prepared to do.

The Charlotte Republican on Friday released a list of 10 items she hopes will help peel back the layers on how radical elements of Islam might be infiltrating the military, school rooms and other elements of society. She also wants to stop the government from supporting terrorist organizations through financial investments and military sales.

Earlier this week, she called for President Jimmy Carter's passport to be revoked because he met with Hamas, a Palestinian group that the U.S. government says supports terrorism.

"His actions reward terrorists, lend support and provide legitimacy to their belief that violence will eventually get them what they want," Myrick said.

Myrick's 10-point plan
1. Investigate all military chaplains endorsed by Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was imprisoned for funding a terrorist organization.
2. Investigate all prison chaplains endorsed by Alamoudi.
3. Investigate the selection process of Arabic translators working for the Pentagon and FBI.
4. Examine the nonprofit status of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
5. Make it an act of sedition or solicitation of treason to preach or publish materials that call for the deaths of Americans.
6. Audit sovereign wealth funds in the United States.
7. Cancel scholarship student visa program with Saudi Arabia until they reform their text books, which she claims preach hatred and violence against non-Muslims.
8. Restrict religious visas for imams who come from countries that don't allow reciprocal visits by non-Muslim clergy.
9. Cancel contracts to train Saudi police and security in U.S. counterterrorism tactics.
10. Block the sale of sensitive military munitions to Saudi Arabia.

Whoa!  Would this not draw some huge fire from 'advocacy' groups?  Absolutely.  At the same time, would this not also shine a stadium-sized spotlight on the activities of terrorists and terrorist enablers in our country?  Absolutely.

It's about damn time.

There's my two cents.

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