Monday, April 28, 2008

You Can't Insult Me...!

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright has started to speak out against those who have questioned both his relationship to Barack Obama and his remarks from the pulpit.  One particular exchange is mentioned by Rick Moran in an article titled, "Wright equates 'God Damn America' with criticism of black church":

That's right. If you dare criticize Pastor Wright for saying "Not God bless America but God Damn America" you are a racist bigot because what you're really doing is criticizing "the black church:"

Attacks on him are really attacks on the black church, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. said in a speech to the National Press Club in Washington on Monday, in which he mounted a spirited defense of views and sermons that have become an issue in the presidential campaign because Senator Barack Obama attended his church for many years.

Mr. Wright told the press club audience that the black church in America grew out of the oppression of black people, and that his sermons reflected that struggle.

Snippets from his sermons have been used in Republican commercials seeking to depict Senator Obama as unpatriotic, and the Democratic presidential candidate has given a carefully calibrated speech seeking to distance himself from Mr. Wright's more inflammatory statements.

Speaking Monday, Mr. Wright said that political opponents of Senator Obama were exploiting the fact that the style of prayer and preaching in black churches was different from European church traditions - "Different, but not deficient," he said.

Perhaps Barack Obama should whisper in his pastor's ear that white Americans are not Europeans - we're Americans.

Beyond that, someone should teach the good Reverend about political spin. He's obviously not very good at it and he only makes himself look foolish when he tries it.

A couple of notes from his NPC speech. Evidently, journalists vigorously applauded at certain points in the speech - this according to Michelle Malkin who live-blogged it. 

Wright also noted that "the widely circulated clips of his remarks were only short snippets lifted out of the context of much longer, closely reasoned arguments." What kind of "closely reasoned argument did he give when discussing how AIDS was created by the government to kill black people?

"I believe our government is capable of doing anything."

Perhaps. Except performing the miracle of creating a virus that targets one specific race - especially when American blacks have so many mixed race elements in their genes - would seem to be in the realm of fantasy rather than reality.

It is likely that Wright will remain a fixture throughout the campaign season which is very bad news for Barack Obama.

This will be very good news for the rest of us, though, since Wright seems to be ignoring the first rule of holes: when you're in one, stop digging.

This is a standard card often played by the liberal Left - deliver their message through someone who cannot be attacked because of their race/religion/history/etc.  There are more examples than you can shake a stick at: Cindy Sheehan, who could not be criticized over her anti-war stance because her son was killed in action; Graham Frost, who couldn't be criticized over the SCHIP program because he was a kid; John Murtha, who couldn't be criticized over his accusation that Marines were cold-blooded killers because he was once in the military; Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, who can't be criticized for constant race-baiting because they are black.  The list is endless.  Sadly, this tactic is often effective, and shuts up gutless Republicans who can't take a little heat from the MSM.  But, the tactic itself is easy to identify, and Wright is applying it liberally -- no pun intended -- with his statements above.

Don't be a sucker.  The reality is that this criticism is entirely based upon the fact that Wright's statements are blatantly anti-American and filled with racist hatred!  They are not an attack on the black community or black church at all.  If you have doubts, go listen yourself.  He's not doing
Barack Obama any favors by continuing to dig his own hole.

There's my two cents.

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