Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Illegal Immigration Update

The Editors at NRO write about the SAVE Act, which I've mentioned to you many times before:

Congressman Heath Shuler, a freshman Democrat from North Carolina, has introduced a piece of immigration legislation known as the SAVE Act, an enforcement-only bill that would add 8,000 border-patrol agents and mandate that all businesses verify the legal residency of all employees. The Democratic leadership will not allow a vote on it.

Forty-eight other Democratic congressmen have co-sponsored the legislation, and we suspect that is just fine with Nancy Pelosi, who understands that some of her troops come from congressional districts that are not as enlightened as hers. Republicans are trying to find out whether those Democrats are committed to following their voters' wishes, or are just posturing. They have filed a "discharge petition": If a majority of House members sign it, the bill will get a vote. The petition has 184 signatures today.

Democrats are coming up with more stalling tactics. The House Judiciary Committee has asked the Congressional Budget Office to estimate the bill's cost, probably so that it can demand that its sponsors come up with offsetting budget savings or tax increases that will drive support for the bill down. Congressman Charles Rangel, head of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, has also sent a letter imploring Democrats not to encourage the legislation.

Last week, Shuler said that he believed that John McCain was working behind the scenes to kill the bill. McCain's campaign denies the charge, and some Republicans argue that Shuler is trying to divert attention from his own party's hostility to enforcing the law. For McCain to stand in the way of the legislation would be a big mistake: He would be ripping off the band-aid over the party's scars on immigration.

We sympathize with McCain's desire to woo Hispanic voters, even though we have often objected to his methods. Republicans should be careful not to overdo their rhetoric. Illegal immigration raises understandable passions. But our advocacy of controls is rooted in a calm assessment of the national interest, not vindictiveness toward the illegal population, and it should be presented as such. A substantial reduction of the net inflow of illegal immigrants is the indispensable first step toward an immigration policy that works for native-born and immigrant American alike.

Senator McCain may disagree with us about what that policy should look like. But he has said, correctly, that the public must see Washington enforcing the law before it will trust it to make any further reforms. He should make the SAVE Act part of his platform — or, at the very least, urge Pelosi to allow a vote.

I would encourage you to take action if you have not yet done so - call your Rep and encourage them to support the SAVE Act, sign the discharge petition, and to pressure Pelosi to allow a vote.  It is up to the American people to push this one over the edge, so hop to it!

If immigration is important to you, something that should be very helpful in the November election is this website where true immigration reform candidates are listed.  Good stuff!

Sadly, McCain and some other Republicans are just as bad as Democrats on illegal immigration, though there are at least some elements of the Republican party that haven't put pandering above their constituents.  But, I really have to wonder about the Democrat party when I read things like this.  We all know that the Democrat party wants as much illegal immigration as possible, but it's unreal to see the lengths to which they will go to accomplish it.  Democrats in Congress are now apparently suing to stop the construction of the border fence!  All you Democrats out there: is this what you want out of your party leadership??  Do you want your leaders to actively fight the securing of our borders?? 

But wait, there's more.  San Francisco, that bastion of liberal (Democrat) strength, is now planning an advertising campaign that openly welcomes and invites illegal aliens.  When this happens, look for a lot of legal residents leaving the city because of the increasingly high taxes and crime, as well as the increasingly low quality of city services.

Fortunately, insanity is not in session everywhere.  Residents of Los Angeles are rallying around Jamiel's Law in an effort to stop the racism-driven attacks on blacks from illegal alien gangs:

Law-abiding citizens of all colors are uniting against the targeting of innocent black residents of Los Angeles by illegal alien gangs. The parents of murdered high school student Jamiel Shaw met with L.A. public officials yesterday, urging them to rescind the city's notorious Special Order 40–one of the nation's oldest illegal alien sanctuary laws.

Shaw's parents made these statements:

"We're after the gang members who are here illegally, and when they're released from jail, they're out in the community," he said.

"The guy who killed my son was in custody. He had a long prison record … and he was let out without any kind of hearing. He was let out into the community on a Saturday night with no supervision and within 24 hours, he had gotten another gun."

The teen's mother, Anita Shaw, said she plans to attend Espinoza's arraignment hearing tomorrow. She was serving in Iraq when her son was slain, and will ship out Thursday for duty in Kuwait and Germany.

"I'm safer, somewhat, in Iraq than my son is safe on the streets of the United States. It doesn't make sense," she told the City Council.

Michelle Malkin calls out both the illegal alien lobby and the race-mongers:

Go ahead, Geraldo. Call them racist. What are you going to do? Dare to threaten to spit on them?

Go ahead, La Raza. Call them hate-mongers. What are you going to do? Try and stop them from getting their message across?

Hey, Barack Obama. Where's the honest dialogue about the racial crimes the Left doesn't want to talk about? Will you march with the Shaw family–or with the illegal aliens again?

Innocent families of all races are sick and tired of the bloody consequences of open borders.

Enough is enough.

Amen!  Have you heard a single peep about the racism and illegal alien violence going on there?  Not unless you've been reading my blog or other blogs.  The MSM and the liberal Left have completely ignored it since it is racism and violence NOT perpetrated by whites.  Once again, it appears that racism and illegal immigration only matter in some circumstances, and when it's illegal aliens killing blacks, that doesn't qualify.

There's my two cents.

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