Saturday, April 5, 2008

Loads Of Democrat Election News

Wow, there's more stuff happening out there around the election than you can shake a stick at!  Let's start with Hillary.

Hillary is a perpetual liar.  Even back when she worked for a law firm during the Watergate scandal, she got fired for lying.  It's a pattern with the Clintons, and there's no reason to believe she'll ever quit.  American Thinker has more analysis, with the suggestion that the press is guilty of either supreme laziness or incredible bias by not checking this out sooner in the process.

Bill Clinton goes nuts over Bill Richardson's betrayal, making a bad impression on the California superdelegates he was supposed to woo.  One of the attendees said it was the worst political meeting he'd ever attended.

Hillary said recently that Barack Obama can't win the general election, but Rick Moran wonders if the recent Obama surge in Pennsylvania means the writing is on the wall for her.  Still, if she can utilize the race chasm -- the fact that Clinton wins if the African American population is greater than 6% and less than 17%, and where working class whites overwhelmingly vote for Clinton -- that has been evident so far, she could still pull it out.

All in all, it's clear that Hillary simply can't let go of her dream.  She feels she's owed it because she put up with Bill for all those years.

Moving on to Barack Obama...

Just so you know, Barack has already mentioned that he would tap Al Gore for a 'key role' in his administration to deal with global warming.  Boy, that'll help...the man who claimed to invent the Internet will be in charge of policy that will drastically affect the economy.  But don't worry, most of Obama's popular vote lead comes from just one county in Illinois (which is known for election fraud, by the way).  And, don't forget that there is a significant amount of Clinton fatigue which is pressuring Hillary to withdraw immediately.  Even the Democrats realize that the damage being done to their candidates is major, and needs to end if they are to improve their chances of beating McCain in November.  And he does have some savvy tactics, like buying votes with Dave Matthews Band tickets.  It's sad how some people can be bought for such an important thing with such a low price tag. 

There are a lot of things being said about Obama right now.  That's good for us, because it means the press is finally looking into him and his background.  He's a pardoner.  He has a patriotism problem.  So does his wife.  He attended Farrakhan's Nation of Islam Million Man March.

But that's not all.  Obama continues to get himself into hot water.  In a recent speech, he said that he would try to teach his daughters morals and values, but that he wouldn't want them to be 'punished' by having a baby if they made a mistake.  While this might have been an off-the-cuff statement, it reveals his true thoughts on abortion.  While some may think it's just a shrewd play to steal some of Hillary's feminist base by appealing to their pro-choice sentiments, it certainly reveals that he is not just pro-choice but one of the most aggressive pro-abortionists ever to run for President.  After all, as an Illinois state Senator, he did not support a bill to protect babies who survived late-term abortions because he did not want to concede — as he explained in a cold-blooded speech on the Illinois Senate floor — that these babies, fully outside their mothers' wombs, with their hearts beating and lungs heaving, were in fact "persons."  What a hero.  Despite the U.S. Senate approved a similar bill 98-0 that contained wording that eventually wound up back in the Illinois legislature, Obama voted against it.  However, a year later, in a debate during his run for the U.S. Senate, he pledged that he would have voted for that very same bill.

So, Obama has a history of being aggressively pro-abortion, but lies about it.  That's good to know if you're running for President.

Speaking of lying, he's got a history of that, too.  During his first run for elected office, he helped craft liberal policies for gun control, the death penalty, and abortion that are contradictory to his current more moderate positions.  When this documentation -- a 1996 questionnaire -- came out, Obama's aides made the statement that he had never seen or approved it.  A closer examination, however, revealed that Obama was not only interviewed about the questionnaire, but that he submitted an amended version of it the next day with Obama's own handwritten notes next to one question.  When this was pointed out, a staffer responded:

"He may have jotted some notes on the front page of the questionnaire at the meeting, but that doesn't change the fact that some answers didn't reflect his views. His 11 years in public office do."

Of course, looking at his record brings us right back to him being the ultra-liberal that he is rather than the moderate he's portraying himself to be right now.  Who knows which is worse?  The point is that he lied.

When examining these Democrats, the word 'exaggeration' can usually mean 'lie', too.  In talking about Obama's lying habit, Amanda Carpenter posts a video about the top 5 Obama exaggerations.  Check it out.

Speaking more generally, here's an interesting article suggesting that the North Carolina primary will end the Democrat race.  Victor Davis Hanson writes about the quirks of this particular election cycle, including the fact that Reps unexpectedly nominated McCain (and many conservatives will grudgingly support him), and the Dems are struggling through a long, toxic primary slugfest when Hillary was supposed to be inevitable.  None of this was supposed to happen...but it did.

And finally, we come to a very intriguing piece by James Edmund Pennington at American Thinker that suggests Obama is actually the inevitable candidate for the Democrats because the race card trumps all other considerations in the party.  He maintains that to deny Obama the nomination would be to alienate the most hardcore Democrat voting bloc, the black vote, and the party would rather face a November defeat.  It's a very interesting spin on things, and it makes a lot of sense.  Read the whole thing to get all the details.

Whew!  Like I said, more news than you can shake a stick at!  Now you're up to date.  Just think...we have another seven months of this stuff to go.  Buckle your seat belt, we're in for quite a ride!

There's my two cents.

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