Friday, April 4, 2008

Irony And Hypocrisy

I've seen a number of stories lately that smack of irony so great that it would be comical if it wasn't so blatantly hypocritical...

Gore's New Campaign
60 Minutes slobbered all over Al and Tipper Gore in a recent interview that served simply to highlight his new $300 million campaign to get the word out about global warming.  There are a couple juicy bits of irony here.  First, though almost 70 percent of Americans think global warming is a problem, they still rank it near the bottom of their list of top 25 concerns.  This means that although lots of people have been relentlessly barraged with global warming propaganda, they don't think it's a big enough deal to actually do much about it.  The best part for me, though, is the fact that if Gore's propaganda film An Inconvenient Truth and all the free publicity it garnered (including his Nobel...ahem...Peace Prize) apparently wasn't enough.  The fact that he's gearing up to spend another $300 million on additional propaganda means that a LOT of people aren't buying his bill of goods, no matter what he says.

Muslims For Obama
The group Muslims for Obama (yes, it does really exist) has publicly stated what it hopes to gain from an Obama presidency:

1. A Law against harrassment  [sic] of a Muslim women wearing Hijab at the Airport, DMV and other public arenas.
2. Institute a Law to allow Muslim Employees to take a hours off from work for Friday Jummah Prayer.
3. Make the 2 Eid's, recognized National Holidays on Calendars with days off from work.
4. Optional Halal meals in federal buildiings, [sic] public schools and colleges.
5. Provide prayer areas suitable for Salah and Jummah, in public and private facilities. (i.e. Malls, Airports, Universities and government buildings.)
6. Organize a Muslim American group to assist in recommendations for US foreign policy affecting majority Muslim countries.

More Muslims have begun publicly supporting Obama as their candidate in November (see here, here, and here).  But hey, don't you dare use Obama's middle name, Hussein.  That would make him look like a Muslim.

Illegal Aliens Doing The Security Jobs Americans Won't Do...?
This one is disturbing.  In a recent raid in Dallas, state and federal authorities arrested 30 illegal aliens working as security guards.  They now face weapons charges, but the really sad part is that this is far from an isolated incident.  Where's the fence?  Where are the background checks?  Who put guns into these peoples' hands??

Religious Art Lawsuits
The Alliance Defense Fund recently filed a lawsuit to defend a student who failed an art project for including a reference to scripture on it.  If you follow the link, you'll see pictures of three of the submissions for the same project, one with a Christian message and two with depicting demonic images.  While I personally think -- and I'm no artist, so take this with a huge grain of salt -- that the Christian picture was probably the lowest in terms of quality and skill, the teacher actually came out and said the reason the student failed was precisely because of the religious nature of the picture.  Also illustrated in the lawsuit was the fact that the school forced students to sign a document that attempted to revoke their rights of free speech and religious expression.  We must be vigilant and stop this sort of thing every time it happens.

Planned Parenthood
The biggest pro-abortion agency in the country had a budget of over $1 billion last year.  Of that total, almost $350 million came from American taxpayers.  In addition, this non-profit organization ended up with a profit of $114 million.  Go to the link to sign a petition to end taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, and call your Senators and Rep.

The Racist Wright
From IBD (excerpts):

What could be worse than an Afro-Marxist preacher exhorting thousands of blacks to hate whites and swear off their middle-class materialism? One who does the exact opposite.

Barack Obama had hoped the retirement of his fire-breathing pastor would put the controversy to rest. But the Rev. Jeremiah Wright is retiring in luxury — with all the trappings of the white "middleclassness" he warns his flock to avoid.

Wright is forsaking South Side Chicago and the black ghetto for a gated golf club community in Tinley Park, an affluent suburb. The area has seen a boom in growth from mostly non-Hispanic whites buying upscale homes in new subdivisions like Wright's adopted Odyssey Club neighborhood, which boasts some of Tinley Park's largest homes and a mix of townhomes. It adjoins the Odyssey Country Club and golf course.

Nothing wrong with that; it's the American dream. Except that Wright has condemned that dream (along with America) in sermons he's delivered to the 8,000 mostly black congregants of Trinity United Church of Christ. He says it's all part of a white conspiracy to get blacks hooked on middle-class materialism and separate them from the inner-city and their African roots.

He also preaches the gospel of "Black Liberation Theology," a false Christian doctrine promulgated by Marxist-leaning black writers of the 1960s that espouses "economic parity" and other collectivist claptrap.

The concept of practicing what you preach is apparently lost on Wright.

Shouting "God damn America" for its treatment of blacks, Wright got his parishioners hooked on misplaced anger in the South Side so he could cash out in Tinley Park.

Perhaps this is "sharing in the prosperity," as Obama has so eloquently rephrased redistribution of income. Funny how those who demand economic parity end up taking the biggest share.

By the way, his new house in whitey-land cost $1.6 million.

There you have it - liberal hypoc...I mean, irony at its finest.

There's my two cents.

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