Thursday, April 24, 2008

Jimmy Carter: Disgraceful Idiot

Former President Jimmy Carter is a total disgrace, and everyone knows it.

In the past couple weeks, Jimmy Carter once again proved both his utter incompetence and his desperate wish to be relevant by visiting the leader of Hamas (a group of Palestinian terrorists that has pledged to wipe out Israel) in Syria.  Apparently living in Carter-world -- a strange, inverse dreamland where he makes up the rules -- he suggested that Hamas refrain from firing rockets at Israel to help the peace process.  Coming out of the meeting, Carter said that Hamas leaders "said that they would accept a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders" and they would "accept the right of Israel to live as a neighbor next door in peace."

Never mind the fact that Hamas' charter calls specifically for the destruction of Israel, and that Hamas was carrying out attacks on Israel at the very same time Carter was brokering his 'peace' deal with them.

Though I'm sure Carter wanted to go down in history for finally being the one to create such a peace deal, Hamas announced immediately after he left that his mission accomplished nothing.  He was given permission to hand deliver a letter from a captured Israeli soldier to the soldier's family, but the soldier's father rightly ridiculed Carter as nothing more than a postman for Hamas.

You see, even the father of a captured Israeli soldier understands Hamas and their goals.  Carter is a buffoon without a clue.

Despite the fact that the official U.S. policy toward Hamas is one of isolation and encouraging the real negotiations between Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and Israel, Carter nevertheless inserted himself into the process with the rogue group of terrorists.  What's worse, he did it against specific White House instructions:

"I just don't want there to be any confusion," [Secretary of State Condoleezza] Rice said. "The United States is not going to deal with Hamas and we had certainly told President Carter that we did not think meeting with Hamas was going to help" further a political settlement between Israel and the Palestinians.

In an exceedingly rare moment of unity, both Republicans and Democrats soundly denounced Carter's visit, which nevertheless accomplished several things:
1. it gave worldwide legitimacy to Hamas
2. it hampered the real peace negotiations currently being conducted by real governments
3. it made Carter look even more feeble than his considerable feebleness already was

Some examples of the feebleness:

[Carter] scolded the US and Israel for not talking to the puppy dogs of Hamas who evidently flattered and feted the former President - as they would any western sympathizer who meets with them. He weirdly called Gaza a "prison" while never once asking why the Israelis might feel that Hamas criminals should be locked up. Usually, we send criminals to prison to protect society from their depradations. Evidently Carter feels that suicide bombers shouldn't be hindered from doing their job.


Carter said the group promised it wouldn't undermine Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' efforts to reach a peace deal with Israel, as long as the Palestinian people approved it in a referendum. In such a scenario, he said Hamas would not oppose a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza.

Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman, later said Carter's comments "do not mean that Hamas is going to accept the result of the referendum."


"I did the best I could," Carter said. "They turned me down, and I think they're wrong."

Waaaaahhh!!!  They're meeeeeaaaannnn...!!!

Some are finally taking concrete actions to prevent Carter from continuing to shame himself and America.  "GOP Rep. Sue Myrick called for his passport to be revoked; Rep. Joe Knollenberg wants $19 million in taxpayer funding to be withdrawn from his Georgia-based scholarly institution [which funds his travels]."

Everyone is trying to distance themselves from Carter, even Democrats:

[T]he Sick-Of-Jimmy-Carter Coalition isn't just a Republican club. The Jewish Daily Forward reports that "some liberal observers…worry that the elder statesman may create headaches for the party at its nominating convention in Denver."

Despite Obama's milquetoast protestations of Carter's visit and his technocratic disavowal of Hamas, Carter and Hamas are giving Obama two thumbs up. (Obama's associations with anti-Semites like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the Louis Farrakhan-cheerleading Rev. Michael Pfleger give him all the cred he needs.)

For more on the Sick-Of-Jimmy-Carter Coalition, click here.  Everyone's invited, regardless of party or affiliation. 

For a rundown of why Jimmy Carter is an absolute incompetent idiot, check out Joel J. Sprayregen's comprehensive column at American Thinker.  Some highlights [emphasis mine]:

When it came time to judge Jimmy Carter's presidency, Americans voters thundered:  Carter, receiving 40% of the popular vote, carrying  six states. With sound reasons: The prime rate had soared to 20%, inflation to 12.5% and unemployment to 7.5% .

Carter would not help Iran's Shah -- a strong ally of the U.S., even if not exactly a Jeffersonian democrat -- withstand Khomeini's revolution.  Carter bears responsibility for subjecting Iran to the nightmarish rule of fanatic mullahs.  All evils currently instigated by Iran -- e.g., killing U.S. soldiers in Iraq, Hezbollah's subjugation of Lebanon, Hamas' reign of rockets and terrorism--are  attributable to Carter's blunder.  Carter urged 150 Iranian generals to accept Khomeini. All were subsequently tortured and executed; the mullahs distributed photos of their mutilated corpses.

Iranian theocrats exhibited their respect for Carter by invading our embassy in Teheran and kidnapping diplomats -- a breach of international law eschewed even by Hitler and Stalin.  Carter dithered for 444 interminable days during the crisis.  His cowardly reluctance to take action exposed our country as a paper tiger, emboldening enemies worldwide.  Hostages were released the day Ronald Reagan became President; Iranians realized we now had a leader who would act resolutely.

I suffered a one-on-one meeting with Carter during the 1976 primaries. Carter assured me that, as a devout Christian, he was committed to Israel's security.  He handwrote a confirmation.  It was all lies. Carter reportedly told intimates that Sen. Henry Jackson had the Jewish voters "so we'll get the Christians."  In 1980, Carter ordered an unprecedented vote against Israel in the UN Security Council.  He subsequently put out the lie that our delegate misunderstood instructions!  As November neared and American Jews--like their Christian neighbors--indicated that they would back Reagan in unprecedented numbers, Carter told associates, "If I get back in, I'm going to ****  the Jews."  And so he has been trying for 28 years.

Carter wrote a book that was "replete with factual errors, copied materials not cited [including maps stolen from Dennis Ross' book with captions switched], glaring omissions and simply invented segments."  Fourteen senior advisors of the Carter Center resigned in protest over the book.

An editorial in Investor's Business Daily,  captioned "Jimmy Carter's L'il Ol' Stink Tank," revealed that the Center's $200 million endowment derives from multi-million-dollar gifts from Saudi princes and government, oil sheikhs, crooked Mideast bankers and Arafat cronies:  

"Arab cash flows into the Center from people known to demand something in return.  The Center's contributions and Carter's anti-Israel diatribes have both increased dramatically." 

Jimmy Carter needs to be sent far, far away from anything resembling a position of influence, especially as it relates to foreign policy.  Even the Democrats realize this.  When they think someone needs to get out of the spotlight, you know it's bad.

There's my two cents.

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