Friday, February 20, 2009

ACORN's Happy Their Savior Is Here

Well, isn't this a shocker (via Michelle Malkin):

On Wednesday, I said prepare for lawlessness as ACORN’s civil disobedience mob steps up pressure for President Obama’s mortgage entitlement expansion.

Well, are you ready, Baltimore? (Hat tip - Jeff Quinton) ACORN’s troops are breaking the padlocks and breaking into homes. And this is just the start. Caution: OBAMACORN at work.

A community organization breaks into a foreclosed home in what they are calling an act of civil disobedience.

The group wants to train homeowners facing eviction on peaceful ways they can remain in their homes.

Derek Valcourt reports their actions are not without controversy.

Near Patterson Park, the padlock on the door and the sign in the window tells part of Donna Hanks foreclosure story.

“The mortgage went up $300 in one month,” said Hanks, former homeowner.

She says the bank refused to modify her loan and foreclosed, kicking her out of the house in September.

The community group ACORN calls Hanks a victim of predatory lending.

“This is our house now,” said Louis Beverly, ACORN.

And on Thursday afternoon, they literally broke the foreclosure padlock right off the front door and then broke into the house, letting Hanks back in for the first time in months.

Taxpayer-subsidized anarchy is on the way.

Mr. President? Mr. President?

To think that Obama is going to do anything to crack down on ACORN is laughable. He grew up in ACORN, and they handed him the election through their fraud and intimidation. ACORN serves as Obama's thuggish minion brigade when it becomes necessary to strong-arm dissenters or those viciously racist people who think silly things like American law or reasonable lending standards should matter, while simultaneously providing him plausible deniability for their low-brow actions. It's a match made in liberal heaven.

As Malkin said, get ready for more. The longer these thugs go unpunished -- and I mean real punishment rather than a slap on the wrist -- the more this stuff will escalate until real violence ensues.

Where's the Obamessiah? Can't he control his minions? Doesn't he
want to?


There's my two cents.

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