Friday, February 20, 2009

CNBC Reporter Rips Obama's Plans

Wow! I don't think anyone saw this one coming, especially from CNBC:

As I understand it, this guy is a reporter for CNBC at the Chicago Board of Trade. He correctly calls out the scenario: taxpayers will have to shell out the bill for losers who have failed in their own obligations. Their plans are destructive and bound for failure, and diametrically opposed to the intentions of the founders.

In a follow up interview with NRO, Santelli said that he's received close to a thousand e-mails in response to this little episode, and only three of them have been in support of Obama's plans. This would mirror the rumors we heard last week of the ratio of calls to the Senate about whether or not the Theft/Pork bill should have been passed. Clearly, the American people don't want to swallow this giant crap sandwich.

There's my two cents.

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