Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just Keep Spending...

Here are just a few of the 9,000 earmarks in that new spending bill (not the one that just got signed into law - the Theft/Pork bill...I'm talking about the next one coming up):

* $200,000 for “Tattoo Removal Violence Prevention Outreach Program,” pg. 283;

*Maine lobster earmark in the omnibus, pg. 173;

*$5.8 million earmark for the “Ted Kennedy Institute for the Senate…for the planning and design of a building & an endowment,” pg. 232;

*and National Council of La Raza, $473,000 earmark from Sens. Bingaman and Menendez, pg. 212.

Clearly, all of those things are very important items for which taxpayers should shell out some bucks, don't you think? I'm sure we'll hear even more wonderful pork projects that our money will be spent on in the coming days.

Also, did you know that AIG is back for another bailout? Yep, it looks like they're following in GM's footsteps in coming back for seconds. Let's see...what was that about one-time infusions of cash again? Seems like some certain people have been predicting that bailouts weren't the way to go...but who's keeping track?

There's my two cents.

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