Thursday, February 26, 2009

Top Immigration Law Enforcer Shocked That Immigration Law Is Enforced

I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry at this:

Oh, the open-borders crowd's heads are exploding.

Under President Obama and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano's watch, federal immigration agents had the nerve to — gasp! — enforce immigration laws.

How could this happen? Quick, launch an investigation! This must not be allowed to stand!

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Wednesday ordered a review of a raid at an engine plant in Washington State that resulted in the arrests of 28 people suspected of being illegal immigrants.

A high-level official in the Department of Homeland Security said that Ms. Napolitano had not been informed about the raid on Tuesday before it happened, and that she was seeking details about its planning and scope.

"She was not happy about it because it's inconsistent with her position, and the president's position on these matters," said the official, who agreed to discuss the matter on condition of anonymity because the secretary had not authorized the conversation.

You can be sure the taxpayer-funded National Council of Raza will use all the earmark money it will be receiving to lobby aggressively for comprehensive shamnesty:

The National Council of La Raza urged supporters to call the White House and demand Mr. Obama lay out his immigration policy, while the National Immigration Forum said the raid was an unwelcome continuation of Bush administration policies.

"What are Latino and immigrant voters to think? They turn out in massive numbers and vote for change and yet 'change we can believe in' turns out to be 'business as usual,' " said Ali Noorani, executive director of the forum.

He called for a halt to the raids while Homeland Security conducts its review of immigration policies.

As for the poor, innocent workers nabbed in the raid, guess what? The raid was the result of a gang investigation:

"Information derived from two gang members previously arrested in an ICE gang operation led to the initiation of the work-site investigation at Yamato Engine Specialists," said press secretary Kelly Nantel. "Follow-up investigation uncovered a potentially large number of illegally employed workers. ICE conducted the operation in order to identify and if appropriate, apprehend any unauthorized workers and to further determine potential criminal activity."

Homeland Security officials worried about gang and criminal activity?

This must not stand!

Um...seriously?  The Department of Homeland Security Secretary finds that enforcement of current American law is 'not consistent' with her position and the President's position?

I'm struggling to find any additional words here, although the obligatory reference to hope-n-change may be in order:

HOPE (for illegal aliens, gang members, and criminals)!  CHANGE (no more of that law-abiding crap)!

There's my two cents.

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