Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Aftermath

I've done a lot of thinking over the weekend about how to proceed after the Generational Theft Act/Porkapalooza bill passed. From all I've been reading lately, I think we're about to experience an economic crash of massive proportions...but I'll expound on that more in a future post (I'm still reading a very enlightening book that makes a scary amount of sense, so stay tuned for that review).

Still, those things don't normally happen overnight, and there are still things we can do to hopefully minimize the impacts of the Theft Act. And, of course, there is the rather blindingly obvious fact that the voting is over - this battle is done. If you want to contact the White House to urge Obama not to sign the bill, go ahead, but I'm not going to waste my time.

So, where do we go from here? Quite simply, I think that we need to keep fighting the fight, wherever the battles may be. Conservatism is a philosophy and is bigger than any person, so that's where we need to keep our focus.

I will continue to report to you where liberalism is creeping -- or leaping, as the case may be -- and what, if anything, can be done to stop it. I will continue to post support for conservatives wherever they may be found, and applaud anyone who follows conservative principles, even for a short time. I think we're heading into a dark time in our country's life, but I'm hoping that we can pull out of it in relatively short order.

I also hope that you continue to come back daily to find news and analysis that hits you where you live, that makes sense, and that helps break down the craziness that is politics into something useful (I'll do my best to keep things as light-hearted as possible, too). I also hope that you share this blog and the information you find here with those around you, as I believe all people deserve the opportunity to make their own judgments on what's happening around us. People can take the conclusions I post here or leave them, but if they have the information, I'll feel like all of this is worth doing.

So, let's move forward into the next phase of American existence...whatever it may look like.

There's my two cents.

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