Monday, March 23, 2009

Back At It!

Well, I'm back from the vacation, and I must say it was great! As with any good vacation, the only bad part is the fact that it's ending. *sigh* But, since I have yet to become independently wealthy and thus must still work a normal job, it's time to hit the grind again.

Wow, did I pick a busy week to miss, or what?

Between my e-mail blasts and my RSS reader, I had almost 2,000 messages to sift through (no, I didn't read most of them...I'm not that much of a news junkie!). So, I'm certain that I'm missing any number of major stories, but I thought I'd post some quick notes about a few things that jumped out at me. Hit the links for the details wherever you find it necessary. Here we go!

As if Obama's proposed $4 trillion budget wasn't enough of a mortgage on the next couple generations of Americans, the CBO has now confirmed that Obama's rosy budgetary estimates were short...WAY short. By a
couple trillion dollars. Apparently the Wonderkid Tim "tax cheat" Geithner isn't just incompetent with TurboTax, he's incompetent with a basic calculator, too. Or did he just forget to add that extra $2.3 trillion into the final tally? We'll never know.

Obama offered a
brand new teddy bear to Iran, asking for a round of hugs and a new spirit of cooperation to heal the rifts caused by the previous administration. In response, Iran happily said, "Death to America!" Apparently, the Obamessiah Kool-Aid doesn't have much of an effect in thuggish dictatorial regimes.

Liberals have begun heaving huge sighs of relief because of Obama's rapidly increasing gaffes, goofs, and botches. Naturally, that means
he's just a mere human. Because, you know, they're pretty darned sure that he was a deity before the election, and that his performance since then has been, well, quite sub-par for even a garden variety deity. Oh, and it's also nice to hear that they appreciate goofs, gaffes, mispronunciations, and botches, because -- call me crazy -- I thought they were embarrassed and offended by all of that kind of thing when Bush did it.

Remember that
ultra-diplomatic gift from Obama to the PM of U.K. Gordon Brown, the basket of DVDs? At the time, it was speculated that they were Region 1 DVDs, which any 12-year old with a DVD burner and a Netflix subscription will tell you plays only in North America. Guess what? That has now been confirmed. Nice.

Obama is a liberal, and as such he is all about redefining words to more easily sucker the American people into letting him do what he wants. His Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, is now
referring to acts of 'terrorism' as 'man-caused disasters' because they want to get away from the 'politics of fear' and more toward 'being prepared' for anything. Liberals would be hilarious if they weren't running the country.

Speaking of illegal immigration, House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi also called the enforcement of immigration law 'un-American'. Following that liberal logic, then, it would also mean that illegal aliens are 'very, very patriotic'. Yep, she said that, too. Just for good measure, she also pledged to protect the rights of illegal immigrants to work in America. And, by the way, Obama has promised that another amnesty bill is on the way soon. Isn't it good to know that Obama and his Democrat pals are putting Americans first?

We also saw news that
Obama signed another book deal worth $500,000 the week before he took office. Good thing he has his priorities in the right place, too.

Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, has said
he's willing to let Gitmo terrorists be released on American soil. Um...we on the Right have been warning about that for years. Is anyone now starting to pay attention to the fact that liberals in charge is a bad, bad thing?

How about foreign policy? Obama gaffed his way through his first meeting with our closest ally, the U.K., so how did he fare with France? Uh, not much better. In fact,
he apparently got the wrong head of state. He sent a letter to former President Jacque Chirac saying how much he looked forward to working with him over the next four years, when the President of France is in fact Nicolas Sarkozy. You know, I think we all knew Barack Obama was inexperienced to the point of dangerousness, but we kind of assumed he'd have some smart people around him to bring him up to speed quickly. Where are those people...? This trend of supremely amateurish mistakes throughout the administration is starting to make the Hindenberg look like a huge success.

But don't worry...Obama isn't letting any of this stuff bog him down. In fact, he has so much free time that he had no problem filling out his NCAA tournament bracket. Yep, he's got his priorities straight, no doubt.

Perhaps all of this is the reason that the generic congressional ballot is now an
even split between Reps and Dems for the first time since 2004. I guess a lot of Americans are realizing they made a mistake on November 4.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg! I'll try to bring up links to stuff that happened last week, but probably only as references to current things moving forward. Anyway, it's good to be back with you!

Have a great week!

There's my two cents.

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