Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You've Gotta Be Kidding Me!


Obama renames 'war on terror'
The end of the Global War on Terror -- or at least the use of that phrase -- has been codified at the Pentagon. Reports that the phrase was being retired have been circulating for some time amongst senior administration officials, and this morning speechwriters and other staff were notified via this e-mail to use "Overseas Contingency Operation" instead.'"
John Noonan concludes that "[i]f 'Overseas Contingency Operation' is an accurate projection of how the Obama administration views the Global War on Terrorism, then suspicions that the president is a poor custodian of the national defense may be well founded." Yep, that's what conservatives have been saying for a couple years now. Actually, it's not just Obama - all liberals are dangerously unqualified to run our national defense.

Also at issue is the clear statement that terrorism contingencies only occur overseas. Hello?? Does anyone recall the empty pit in New York City? This voluntary blindness to home-bound terrorist threats is as common in liberals as it is fatal to the American people.

ACORN to partner with government for 2010 census
This has got to be one of the worst ideas in a Congress that is setting historically bad approval rating records because of their bad ideas.

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform (ACORN) is now a “national partner” with the U.S. Census Bureau, soon to help the White House find 1.4 million workers to canvass for the country’s 2010 census.

If the acronym rings a bell, it’s because the organization has a history of voter fraud charges in the last election cycle, according to a report by

"ACORN has been accused of voter fraud, embezzlement, and more... and yet this is a group that the federal government wants helping with the census?" asks Bobby Eberle of GOPUSA.

“It’s a concern, especially when you look at all the different charges of voter fraud. And it’s not just the lawmakers’ concern. It should be the concern of every citizen in the country,” Rep. Lynn A. Westmoreland, R-Ga., vice ranking member of the subcommittee for the U.S. Census, told “We want an enumeration. We don’t want to have any false numbers.”

The census count is critical to both politicians and states because it not only determines congressional allocation, but it also provides the raw data by which government spending is allocated on everything from roads to schools.

ACORN is under investigation in over a dozen states for systemic election fraud and other unsavory activities, and their thuggery was essential in getting Obama -- who found his political wings and foundation as an ACORN community organizer -- elected President. The logical conclusion is that this is likely payback for getting Obama elected. The problem is rather obvious - if this organization is systemically dishonest in favor of liberal Democrats (which is undeniable), isn't there an inherent conflict of interest in conducting something as important to future elections as the census, which is supposed to be strictly non-partisan?

Redefining domestic terrorism
Guess what? I'm apparently a domestic terrorist now.

The Glenn Beck TV program Friday night mentioned a secret law enforcement report “The Modern Militia Movement,” which was distributed by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) and was obtained by Alex Jones of Prison Planet.

According to Beck, if you ever supported a third party, you might be considered a domestic terrorist.

Did you ever write about or support Ron Paul or Bob Barr? Well, then, you might be a terrorist.

Are you a Libertarian? Well, then, you might be a terrorist.

Have you ever written about the U.S. Constitution? Well, then, you might be a terrorist.

Have you ever called yourself a “patriot”? Well, then, you might be a terrorist.

Are you a conservative Christian who “clings to guns” and the American flag? Well, then, you might be a terrorist.

Do you plan on attending an April 15th Tea Party? Well, then, you might be a terrorist.

Have you displayed any unusual looking American flags or other Early American flags on your blog? Well then, you might be a terrorist.

Have you ever written about taxes, the Federal Reserve, the New World Order, the North American Union, the Sovereignty movement, Illegal Immigration, or the Trans-Texas Corridor? Well, then, you might be a terrorist!
This, too, is a logical conclusion of liberalism. They depend on redefining words to mean whatever they want them to mean, even if the reasonably understood definition of that word is something entirely different. That allows them to promise one thing and do another without 'lying', to accuse political opponents of things that are patently untrue, and so on. It's a perversion of language that eventually leads to this exact brand of madness, where nothing means anything anymore except who shrieks the loudest at any given moment. It's an attempt to control the very thoughts people think.

For example, liberals insist that we cannot possibly call a radical Islamic terrorist who murders in the name of Allah a 'radical Islamic terrorist' - that would be insensitive and politically incorrect. Instead, they must be referred to as 'insurgents' or 'detainees' or some other such nonsense that makes them sound much more harmless. And yet, an American citizen exercising his or her right to free speech in blogging about the Constitution of the United States is labeled by these same liberals as a 'domestic terrorist' simply because the blogger disagrees with them to make the blogger sound dangerous (and thus, requiring removal). Is anyone else seeing the sheer backwardness of this, not to mention the disastrous ending of this pattern?

Liberalism is a virus that is slowly killing America from the inside out, and ignorance is allowing it to fester and spread. I just hope that enough people will wake up soon enough to stop it before this great nation passes away for good.

There's my two cents.

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