Monday, March 30, 2009

Hannan On Fire

I posted on this guy last week, but here's some more:

'Anybody except a politician can see that...'

I think that's one of the most poignant phrases I've ever heard. Hannan could not be more correct, and his sudden meteoric popularity underlines that fact better than any fawning press coverage ever could.

Unfortunately, Obama and his ilk are not listening. You've seen chart after chart on this blog about how Obama and the Democrats have quadrupled spending and doubled the national debt, the very things that have gotten us in this mess, and the very things which need to change in order to get things back under control. But have you stopped to think about the competence factor involved here? Obama can't even get his Treasury Department
staffed, much less operational and taking care of business!

The American people aren't stupid; we know government sucks at just about everything it does. This is what leads to poll results like

Only 11% of Americans think a financial institution will run better if it’s run by the federal government, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Sixty-seven percent (67%) say the institution will not run better, and 22% aren’t sure.

Despite this, the Obama administration is taking over private businesses, anyway, starting with GM. Obama has now decreed that Rick Wagoner, the CEO of GM, should resign. I guess Wagoner shouldn't have gone to all that trouble bowing and scraping before the Almighty Obamessiah to get government bailout money, huh?

As if that wasn't bad enough, the sheer hypocrisy of the Obamessiah is simply breathtaking:

And he follows that resounding condemnation by appointing an AIG board member to his tax reform task force:
One of the people named this week to President Obama's new Task Force on Tax Reform is a member of the AIG board of directors.

Martin Feldstein, a professor of economics at Harvard University, has been on the board of American International Group since 1988.
I have to believe that at some point, even the Kool-Aid sucking Obots will finally pierce their self-induced fog and see that this guy is nothing more than a lying socialist radical bent on the destruction of capitalist and free America.

Then again, I'm generally an optimist, so maybe not.

There's my two cents.

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