Thursday, March 26, 2009

The GOP's Better Solutions

Obama and the Democrats commonly set up what's called a straw man in their attempts to shove through their agenda nowadays. They say that there are only two choices in how to deal with [pick your crisis], and one of them is doing nothing. They'll often make an outright accusation that Republicans want to sit around and do nothing.

This is patently false, and deceptive to its core.

House Minority Leader John Boehner
addresses this deception:
“While some continue to repeat the falsehood that Republicans are not offering alternatives to the President’s plans that spend, tax, and borrow too much, Republicans are proving that we are the party of better solutions. This year, we have offered better solutions on the economy, jobs, the budget, college and retirement savings, and now housing. Rep. Cantor and his colleagues on the Economic Recovery Solutions Group have crafted a proposal to revitalize our housing market without rewarding speculators, scam artists, and those who knowingly made bad decisions. I hope the Administration and Democratic leaders in Congress finally abandon their go-it-alone approach and give this proposal and all of our Republican solutions the consideration they deserve.”
The Republicans have offered better solutions all along, including a stimulus package full of tax cuts that would have cost half of Obama's package and provided twice as many jobs and a multitude of amendments to Democrat bills that were blatantly ignored. When the Democrats simply refuse to deal with Republicans -- even to the point of physically locking them out of the room -- it's completely hypocritical and deceptive to make the accusation that the GOP wants to do nothing.

It is shocking that the Democrats in Congress are so brazenly flipping the bird at Republicans, and yet the liberal lapdog media remains silent in its refusal to do its job and report the truth. I can only hope that sooner or later enough of the American people will wake up to this deceit and kick out the source of just about every problem currently facing our nation: elected Democrats.

There's my two cents.

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