Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Friendly Energy Reminder

I just wanted to re-post something I did originally back in a friendly reminder.
[I]n a January interview for a San Francisco audience, [Obama] promises to bankrupt anyone trying to build a coal plant:

Now, keep in mind that the United States has been dubbed the 'Saudi Arabia of coal', and about 50% of all our nation's energy is produced from coal processing. Almost 80,000 jobs are currently held in the coal industry, too.

Barack Obama wants to bankrupt that industry. How's that for helping energy prices and creation of jobs?

But wait, there's more. The Wall Street Journal reports that Obama wants more nuclear power -- which currently provides about 20% of the United States' power production -- but he refuses to allow the current method of storing and disposing of nuclear waste. So, he will prevent any further expansion of nuclear energy, too!

Barack Obama's energy plan revolves around jacking up prices for 70% of America's energy production!!! How will this affect you and me? Listen to his own words:

Obama is perfectly okay with higher prices - he's rich, and can afford it (remember, he wasn't ever upset about the high prices this past summer, he just thought they went up too fast). He's also perfectly okay with telling you what you can drive, what light bulbs you can use, and how much energy you can use. How's that sound to you?

In that same interview, he promises outright that his policies will make energy costs skyrocket:

Did you catch the key line? "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." He knows his plan will drive up prices and shaft you, but he's going to do it anyway. Hot Air comments:

Energy prices skyrocketing will leave the economy in tatters, as we saw earlier this year. While no one doubts the need to start transitioning to better sources of energy, the manner in which that gets done means the difference of whether it gets done at all. A stagnant or receding economy does not produce scientific breakthroughs, especially when government both increases taxes and imposes steep cost burdens on energy. That cuts into both manufacturing and R&D, because as profits fall, fewer dollars go into research — which means that all of these wonderful developments would get delayed, or go unrealized altogether.

We need to plan for the transition better than what Obama proposes. We need to use our own reserves of oil, natural gas, coal, and shale to cushion the economy while we develop the alternatives and build the infrastructure to deliver it. That’s what John McCain proposed in his Lexington Project.

Price shocks on energy is the last thing this economy needs. It would be worse than the taxes Obama promises to impose on investment, and would have the same depressive effect. It’s an utter disaster.

Here's Obama's energy plan. In a nutshell, you can sum it up as: more expensive energy, and less of it. Hey, he promised a fundamental transformation in this nation...destroying the economy and creating an energy crisis would do just that.
The battle over energy policy is coming soon, so I wanted you to have all the information you need to understand where Obama's coming from before it arrived. Now you know (again). If this sounds like a good plan to you, then by all means support his cap-and-trade policy and encourage your Senators/Rep to do so. If you're not so thrilled about 'skyrocketing' prices or bankrupting our primary source of domestic energy production, then you might want to think about opposing this one.

There's my two cents.

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