Monday, March 30, 2009

The Digital Battle For America

Andrew Breitbart has a great article at The Washington Times about the digital battle that is going on:

A digital war has broken out, and the conservative movement is losing. Read the comment sections of right-leaning blogs, news sites and social forums, and the evidence is there in ugly abundance. Internet hooligans are spewing their talking points to thwart the dissent of the newly-out-of-power.

We must not let that go unanswered.

Uninvited Democratic activists are on a mission to demoralize the enemy - us. They want to ensure that President Obama is not subject to the same coordinated, facts-be-damned, multimedia takedown they employed over eight long years to destroy the presidency - and the humanity - of George W. Bush.

Breitbart also addresses bipartisanship -- one of my favorite punching bag topics -- by describing how the Left operates:

Political leftists play for keeps. They are willing to lie, perform deceptive acts in a coordinated fashion and do so in a wicked way - all in the pursuit of victory. Moral relativism is alive and well in the land of Hope and Change and its Web-savvy youth brigade expresses its "idealism" in a most cynical fashion.

The ends justify the means for them - now more than ever.

Much of Mr. Obama's vaunted online strategy involved utilizing "Internet trolls" to invade enemy lines under false names and trying to derail discussion. In the real world, that's called "vandalism." But in a political movement that embraces "graffiti" as avant-garde art , that's business as usual. It relishes the ability to destroy other people's property in pursuit of electoral victory.

He describes several specific organized efforts to undermine the conservative movement, and then points out why the Left is winning this battle - the Right plays by different rules:

So now that the right is vanquished and thoroughly out of power, why doesn't it learn from its conquerors and employ similar tactics?

The answer is obvious. The right, for the most part, embraces basic Judeo-Christian ideals and would not promote nor defend the propaganda techniques that were perfected in godless communist and socialist regimes.

Think about every great TV show or movie you've ever watched - the bad guy cheats, lies, steals, and destroys whatever he needs to achieve his goals, while the good guy plays by a set of well-defined ethical rules.  The question is whether or not the good guy will still be able to defeat the bad guy without compromising those rules.  That's what heightens the drama of the story.  Unfortunately, this isn't a Hollywood's real life.

Breitbart's conclusion:

The American right is in a heap of trouble in a media age that doesn't shun the goons and liars that have poisoned the political process and won the American presidency by breaking the rules of fair play. It is time to fight back, but it won't be easy. The enemy is willing to do and say anything in order to win.

I wish he would have offered some suggestions as to what his idea of 'fighting back' would be, but he didn't.  So, I'll offer the first and most obvious suggestion myself: the spread of information.

I've lost count of the number of times I've said it before, but I think the key is the spread of information, specifically the TRUTH.  I don't believe most Americans approve of the socialist swerve our President and the Democrats in Congress have taken.  I believe most Americans are good people who are willing to work hard to provide the best life they possibly can for themselves and their families.  I believe most Americans want less government intervention in their lives, and don't like the egregiously irresponsible spending binge Obama has implemented.

They just don't know about most of it.

It's a two-fold problem:
1. Obama is a master liar.
2. The media is bankrupt.

Look at how Obama got elected.  He promised tax cuts for 95% of all Americans, he promised a change from lobbyists running Washington, he promised fiscal responsibility, and he promised hope.  If you just look at the words on paper, you'd think a die-hard conservative was speaking!  Heck, I'd have voted for that guy, too...if I hadn't known about his history or his actual plans.  Those little snippets are what the media played as their never-ending sound bites, and that's what most Americans heard.  That's why they voted for him - that's what they wanted.  The reality was vastly different, however, as his 'tax cuts' were really just a socialist redistribution of wealth, his lobbyist pledge died fast as he appointed well over a dozen lobbyists to key positions in his administration, and his fiscal responsibility...well, you can see how that worked out.  You could argue that he did bring hope to a lot of people who felt hopeless, but he's redirecting that hope in the wrong direction: government.  With Obama, everything should be provided by the government, so that's where people's hope should be.  In reality, people need to look to themselves to get a job and move up in the world, not government; if they want something bigger than themselves to believe in, well, that's what religion is for.  Not government.

And all of this was made possible by the media completely failing in its responsibility to report the facts (i.e. the TRUTH).  They've voluntarily given up all pretense at objectivity, from Chris Matthews' leg-tingle to innumerable omissions of Obama's complete lack of experience, his terrorist friends, race-hating pastor, votes for infanticide, fraudulent campaign fundraising, and any of dozens of other topics that the American people should have been told about.

So, I suggest that we begin fighting back by spreading the TRUTH.  Send this blog to people you know who are willing (and want) to find out the TRUTH of what's going on in our government, of what Obama stands for, and of what Obama and his Democrats are doing to this great nation.  Send the links to my Daily Must Reads, too - those are the people on the front lines of this battle, and deal in truth every day.  Most Americans aren't stupid, but all too few are well-informed.  You can't fix stupid, but you can fix ignorance.  The more information that more people know about our government, the better off we'll all be, because the American people will be able to stand up and declare en masse that they've had enough.

Do your part.  Spread the TRUTH.

There's my two cents.

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