Tuesday, April 21, 2009

About That $100 Million Cut...

Okay, you know it's bad when a member of the AP with a last name that doesn't rhyme with 'dapper' calls out the Obama administration for their piddly PR stunt of a budget cut. Watch:

I really do feel sorry for Robert Gibbs. The President prances around all day long in the magical world of Obamaland while Gibbs is thrown to the wolves with the unenviable task of making The One's mystical pronouncements palatable. It just isn't possible, even with the media having their lips firmly attached to his Royal Backside.

As mentioned yesterday:
[I]n a $3 trillion budget, a $100m spending cut is equivalent to a person who makes $50,000 a year declaring proudly that he will cut a whopping $1.67 from his expenses.
So, just think how many times you'd have to save $1.67 in order to make it significant. Bingo. This one was so bad that even the suckup-fest couldn't handle it.

Also, it's interesting to note that Gibbs is talking tough about cutting out individual line items from the budget...when there is no line item veto with which he can do that! And, isn't it wonderful how Gibbs again pledges to cut the deficit in half...after Obama has quadrupled it in the past three months?

Sheesh. One might think this is a poor SNL sketch if one didn't have his own 401k statement to suggest otherwise.

There's my two cents.

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