Monday, April 20, 2009

Not A Christian Nation?

President Obama thinks so. In fact, he's so convinced of it that, in a recent speech at Georgetown University, he asked the school to cover up the "IHS" that stands for Jesus Christ's name while he spoke. Of course, that didn't stop the Obamessiah from quoting from the real Messiah's scripture to support his own political purposes:

Hot Air points out that the word "Jesus" was never mentioned.

I could point out that this is an example of hypocrisy on Obama's part. I could mention how he openly professed to be a Christian on the campaign trail. But I won't. Instead, I will just point out that this is entirely consistent with his standard mode of operations - he has no use for Christianity or Christians (which can be seen through his 'bitter-clinger' comments and his direct attacks on life and charitable donations, for example) except when he needs their support for one of his political goals. Then he's all religious and stuff. If you don't see this for what it is, you need to open your eyes, because it's going to continue unabated for the next three and a half years.

Hope! Change!

There's my two cents.

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