Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How It All Began...

I thought it might be instructive to have a little reminder on exactly how all this financial meltdown began: housing. Hot Air provides a couple of very interesting videos to contrast how Barney Frank, the Chairman of the House Banking Committee (which oversees housing) has changed his tune over the years. First, in 2005:

Now, here's the revisionism in 2008, after things fell apart:

So, let's review. In 2005, Frank openly pushed housing for all. In 2008, Frank claimed housing should only have been for those who could afford it. Hmmm...

Another reminder: President Bush called for reform on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 17 times in 2008 alone! That doesn't include the dozen or more times he mentioned it from 2001-2007, either. Oh, and it also doesn't include the calls from other Republicans (like McCain) in 2005, either. Too bad the Democrats stonewalled, especially right there at the end:

Like I said, just a brief refresher on what started all of this. You know, in case there's any confusion.

There's my two cents.

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