Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's Earth Day Again!

For my previous Earth Day posts, go here and here; for this year, I'm just going to report a series of stories that should probably be discussed on this day. Enjoy!

Great news: only 34% of Americans now believe global warming is caused by man, down a whopping 13% from a year ago. The problem, of course, is that our political leaders are way behind the curve of the American people (as usual), and they're still going to try to push through some disastrous legislation to 'combat' it. Once again, they will be enacting supremely oppressive legislation over the objection of most of the country.

A look at some real numbers and empirical evidence clearly shows that the planet is cooling, not warming, and has been for several years. [Don't tell the environmentalist wackos, though - they still won't believe you.] Even mainstream outlets are suggesting we put that whole warming nonsense on hold. And yet, we still have the same old environmentalist wackos decrying coal and other forms of energy production, and our President is promising to bankrupt the coal industry, which just so happens to provide 50% of our entire nation's power! How do you think that's going to work out?

A true constant on environmental issues is unintended consequences. Green activities always have unintended consequences. Here's another example after a 2005 law was passed to give tax subsidies to companies using alternative fuels:
Turns out the paper industry has long used something called the "kraft" process to make paper. One byproduct is a sludge called "black liquor," which the industry has used for decades to fuel its plants. Black liquor is cost-effective, makes plants nearly self-sufficient, and, most importantly (at least for this story), definitely falls under Congress's definition of an "alternative fuel."

All of which has allowed the paper industry to start collecting giant federal payments for doing nothing more than what it has done for decades. And in fairness, why not? If Congress is going to lard up the tax code with thousands of complex provisions designed to "encourage" behavior, it shouldn't be surprised when those already practicing said behavior line up for their reward, too.

But this, in turn, has tossed up uncomfortable questions. The paper industry argues that if the government is going to be in the business of rewarding good behavior, it ought to do it equally. Is green policy only to be aimed at dirty or economically unviable actors? Is black liquor any less useful than ethanol or biodiesel, and if so why? If not, shouldn't Washington encourage its use? Isn't every green subsidy in fact the basis for a trade dispute? These are questions Congress has no interest in confronting, since it would expose the muddle that is its entire green-energy program.

But unintended consequences never stop the green zealots from barging forward on the latest crusade. Speaking of unintended consequences, did you know that ethanol actually caused higher food prices this past year while also providing more greenhouse gases than normal gasoline? Similarly, measures intended to control pollution actually caused the melting of Arctic ice. But don't worry, that was years ago...the ice is actually growing right now, so the reality is that the only thing melting away is the media's credibility for constantly reporting these falsehoods.

Elephant Forum suggests that if greenhouse gases are the culprit, maybe we should regulate the hot air coming out of the mouths of our politicians. An excellent idea!

The big environmental news of the moment is, of course, the ruling from the EPA that air is now harmful to the planet and needs to be regulated. I trust you have enough of a brain to figure out that this is one of the stupidest things ever said by mankind, but let's look at the intent behind this idiocy. This is nothing more than the latest attempt by radical Leftists to micromanage everything about the United States, especially the economy and who has how much money for what use. It's a good thing these environmentalist wackos aren't more interested in the political issues than in the science, or they might try to take advantage of things, you know? In reality, if Obama and the Dems get their wishlist of environmental laws, it will actually cost over $7 trillion and 800,000 jobs every year...for no noticeable effect on the environment. Sounds like good recession-time policy, don't you think?

But Obama and the U.N. aren't willing to stop there. In the name of climate change legislation, they're intent on destroying the entire global economy, too.

There's just one problem. Renewable energy is the road less traveled for a reason - it doesn't work. For example, in Spain, they got suckered into going green on a national level and discovered that for every 'green job' created, 2.2 normal jobs were lost. I don't remember much from college calculus, but I'm pretty sure that's a losing proposition.

Interestingly, did you know that it is only when a society becomes wealthy that it gets obsessed with 'greenery'? Apparently, it's only when a nation has enough time and money on its hands that they make up problems like climate change to worry about. Also, did you know that the goal of those green-obsessed souls -- to return the earth to its pristine natural state -- is actually achieved best by those same wealthy countries? Turns out that pristine natural state -- in other words, poor, underdeveloped, third-world countries -- doesn't work so well in keeping things green after all. Go figure.

There's a very interesting plan released by the Obama administration lately, where they plan to blast reflective particles of pollution into the upper atmosphere to protect us from killer sunrays. Um...okay. Work with me here. I thought that:
1. atmospheric pollution was causing global warming
2. global warming is the result of
man's meddling

However, what Obama is saying with this new plan is:

1. atmosphereic pollution can
protect us from global warming
2. global warming is the result of the

So which is it? Can any sane person actually believe this set of diametrically opposed statements? Do you see why I freely call them 'wackos' now? They're so caught up in their green religion that facts, history, and logic have no place. They are so thorougly blinded that they come up with plans that are exactly opposite their stated core beliefs. I think 'wacko' is being generous, now that I think about it.

Okay, okay. So I've trashed environmentalists long enough. What do I believe about preserving the environment? Am I an Earth hater?

Far from it.

I love this planet, and I think its incredible beauty and insanely complex intricacy is a gift straight from God. Genesis lays it out:

1:27 And God made man in his image, in the image of God he made him: male and female he made them.
1:28 And God gave them his blessing and said to them, Be fertile and have increase, and make the earth full and be masters of it; be rulers over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing moving on the earth.
1:29 And God said, See, I have given you every plant producing seed, on the face of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit producing seed: they will be for your food:
1:30 And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the air and every living thing moving on the face of the earth I have given every green plant for food: and it was so.
1:31 And God saw everything which he had made and it was very good.
I believe our role as the primary species on this planet -- the only one gifted with true awareness of self and higher intelligence -- is to be the caretakers of everything around us. We are meant to wisely use the resources we find here on Earth, not to squander them and rape the natural beauty of this planet. But, make no mistake, we are the masters here. If a question of priority comes up -- say, should we shut down the entire logging industry to save a blue-spotted tree grub -- my vote is in favor of the humanity every time. People come first. Don't blame me, take it up with God. He's the one who called that arrangement 'very good'.

In our role as stewards of this planet, let us not forget that the people are the prize creation here. God made people different from all the other organisms on this planet, and gave us a higher purpose. We are the ones who set the agenda, and we are the ones who hold the trump card when the rubber meets the road. I pity those who don't see -- or remember -- that fact, and I am genuinely saddened at the kind of existence a person must live to believe that they are no more important than a blade of grass or a worm.

So, I believe in caring for the environment, and in doing all we can to preserve it. This world is a fantastically beautiful place, if we care to slow down and take a look around once in a while. If you haven't done so, I'd highly recommend getting your hands on the Discovery Channel's Planet Earth series. It will blow your mind.

As will this incredible creation called Earth. Enjoy it, especially today. We have many reasons to celebrate!

There's my two cents.

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