Thursday, April 16, 2009

How Do You Say 'I Can't Remember Three Words' In French?

I sense this will become an ongoing series. If you missed it, you must check out the previous episodes:

Part 1: Now we know who really holds the power...
Part 2: The teleprompter chronicles continue.
Part 3: Who Needs A Teleprompter?

Here's part 4:
How do you say “D’oh!” en Français? When Barack Obama tried wowing the French at his town hall meeting, he wound up needing a prompt from the audience when his Teleprompter apparently froze...

Seriously, when is someone going to hack into Teleprompter and pop in a few subversive messages like, 'It's time for a real tax cut!' or 'I'm resigning tomorrow' or 'I love America'?

You just know he would say anything if it popped up on the screen...

There's my two cents.

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