Here in the almost-socialist USofA:
- Obama considering firing the Citi CEO now.
- ACORN thugs send homeowner to hospital.
- The difference between Dem and Rep.
- L.A. or waterboarding?
- The rules of waterboarding.
- Dems full of crap on interrogations.
- Dueling fence bills illustrate the differences between Reps and Dems.
- Why not a defense stimulus?
- Geithner is the fox guarding the henhouse.
- The first G8 country to go bankrupt will be...
- Shocker: lenders don't like cramdown bill, consumers will be hardest hit.
- The unshackled greed of Congress.
- I know the middle class tax 'cuts' were actually redistribution, but now even that is going away.
- Obama calls for a 'default' credit card. Oops.
- Save capitalism!
- Administration knew the NYC flyby might cause 9/11 flashback panic, but ordered it kept secret anyway.
- Welcome to the real world, Professor Obama.
- Obama's Middle East myopia.
- Obama officially supports terrorists now.
- Obama put personal beliefs ahead of America's security.
- What goes around comes around...
- Obama enables union thuggery.
- Obama's kindness to the cruel = cruelty to the kind.
- Religion of peace: terrorist mommy blew herself up with her child in a line for hungry mothers and children.
- The problems with socialist utopia Sweden.
- Bush saved hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, the media shrugs.
- The Goracle's global warming myths.
- Carbon caps are already killing jobs in California.
- Global warming polar disorder.
- Green is the new ponzi.
- Dems prevent global warming skeptic from speaking to Congress.
- Boehner on Gore: he deserves another Oscar for that performance [in front of Congress].
- Eco-hypocrite of the week.
- Shocker: greenies may be lying...!
- Clinton pushes the easily disprovable myth of global warming.
- ...she thinks the 9/11 hijackers entered the U.S. through Canada.
- ...she thinks veterans are too stupid to avoid extremists.
- ...she makes other nations wonder how she got the job.
- ...she's a perfect example of ideology over competence.
- ...she politically singled out people of the opposition party simply because they were part of the opposition party.
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