Monday, April 27, 2009

The Goracle Revealed As A Complete Hack (Not That This Is Necessarily News)

But it's still fun to watch. The Goracle, self-proclaimed high priest of the Green Religion, has made quite a name for himself for preaching the faith of Mother Earth. Coincidentally, he's also made a gigantic fortune doing it:
According to public disclosure information, Gore was worth somewhere between $1 million and $2 million in 2000. Not quite eight years later, Gore is estimated to be worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 million. While I ordinarily would applaud such financial gains from such a short period of time, I can’t help but to question just how it happened. When you look out at what Al Gore has done, it’s evident that he figured out on a way to capitalize on the creation of Big Green while becoming the official doomsday prophet that has helped to build Big Green into the monetary powerhouse that it has become.

In any other industry this would be considered a severe conflict of interest. In essence, Al Gore has helped to create a fictitious catastrophe, then told everybody what the solutions have to be, and then put himself in a position to capitalize on the hype. It’s not only seriously dishonest, but many people and industries are going to suffer in the wake of this hype while Gore and Big Green bring in millions (and in some cases, billions) of dollars in green money.
But it's for the planet, you see. At least, it is for the planet when YOU make the sacrifices his plans and proposals will entail (i.e. higher prices and energy shortages). Not him, he's not going to sacrifice. You see, it's okay for him to jet around the world in fuel-sucking jets and huge SUVs, keep his klieg lights on during Earth hour, owning and operating a giant fuel-sucking boat, and using more energy in his own home than 20 normal households; it's not okay for you to do any of that stuff. No, all of us peons out here who don't have $100 million in the bank need to just shut up, ignore what the Goracle does, and do what the Goracle says.

I find it delicious that someone finally called out Mr. Planet Fever in public:

By the way, when I mention that there are a handful of 'good ones' left in Washington, Marsha Blackburn is most definitely one of them! If you ever have the opportunity to support her, do it.

While we're on the subject of Gore, let's review one of the things he said:

No polar ice caps in 5 years, huh? This video was taken in 2008; if he's right, we'll know in short order, won't we? Too bad for his theory that the ice is doing just fine.

One final note on the liberal Democrat cap-and-trade plan to tax you into poverty in the name of Greenery: even Democrats know it's crap. They occasionally screw up and admit it:


If Gore, Obama and the Democrat crowd get their way, they will literally kill the American economy through energy. Remember, Barack Obama has promised to bankrupt the coal industry -- which provides 50% of the power in this country -- and they have all been 100% consistent on preventing all measures to increase domestic energy production of all kinds (nuclear, oil, natural gas, etc.) except the things which aren't proven to work but that they subsidize for political reasons.

They must be stopped if this country is to survive the next few years intact.

There's my two cents.

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