Tuesday, May 26, 2009

American Thinker Round-Up

American Thinker continues to put forward treasure trove after treasure trove of information and analysis on current events.  I wanted to highlight several articles, but rather than post all of them in their entirety, I'll just give you a teaser here and highly encourage you to take a few moments to go read each of these.  Tremendously good stuff!

Liberal Fantasyland

If you listen to liberals, they are the "reality-based" people.  They contrast themselves to conservatives, who they claim are ideology-based or faith-based.  I offer here several pieces of evidence, large and small.  You can be the judge of who is right...

The good ship Fleur set sail from Plymouth, England, on a 5,000 mile, "carbon emission-free" journey to Greenland.  "The expedition was followed by up to 40 schools across the UK to promote climate change awareness."  Then reality hit in the form of weather.  Wind ripped the wind generator and solar panels from the yacht, and capsized it three times.  The crew of the Fleur was rescued by an oil tanker loaded with 680,000 barrels of crude oil .

Electric cars were studied by a German branch of the World Wildlife Foundation .  "What surprised us was that the carbon dioxide savings were so small."  In the best-case scenario, the savings would be 0.1 percent.  In the worst-case scenario, electric cars would be 25% worse than gasoline-powered.

This is an excellent article with loads of examples of how it is actually the libs who are out to lunch.

Obama's Magic Hat

Many Obama voters now expect the President to pull utopia out of his magician's hat. What will they do when the hat turns out to be empty?

In the dream, the magician came on stage amid a robust round of applause.  He took the magician's hat off the table and showed the audience it was empty inside.  Then to everyone's amazement he pulled a rabbit from the hat.  "That was nothing," he said.  The audience waited as the magician put his hand deep into the hat.  Then suddenly out came;  Free health care for all!  No waiting, no horror stories
, everyone will be taken care of and no one will pay.

Next, he pulled out a blue box.  When the box opened, money poured out endlessly.  The cover of the box read, "The fair share of the rich."  Next, he pulled out a yellow box with a peace symbol on the top.  Out of this box came flowers and birds and magic words which when spoken brought about universal peace and changed enemies into friends.   Next came a green box, which when opened became a pristine garden of Eden, untouched by man.  Item after item came from the magic hat, no more hard work, no more pain, no more tough decisions, no more disagreements, no war, no blood, no more "evil" businessmen, no bothersome people with rational arguments.

The young dreamer awoke from his dream with excitement.   He rushed to turn on the TV to see what his new President had pulled from the magic hat.  To his disappointment, the hat was empty today, though the commentator said he still believed.  He called his conservative friends to complain that they were preventing the President from using his magic hat. 

Of course, the magic hat will never work.  The utopian dreams of the far left are incompatible with reality.  These dreams are nothing more than fantasy.  Fantasies can only be brought about by magic, not wishful thinking.

This article talks about how the liberal utopian picture promised by Obama cannot possibly become reality.  This is something we discuss often here.  By contrast, conservative principles work extremely well in reality.  At times they might seem cold or mean, but that's how reality is.  And, it also depends on how you define 'mean'...if you consider making someone work to earn their living as mean, then you clearly don't live in reality.  Most of us, however, understand this part of reality very easily.  Sadly, liberals never do.  It is this fervent belief in un-reality, as well as the broken and empty promises of utopia, that we are now seeing in the liberals running the show.  They will be revealed as bankrupt and false in time, but the question remains of how much damage they will do before that happens.  This article is good food for thought.

How to Deprogram a Liberal in One Year or Less

So what do you do when you realize that everything you've ever thought and believed no longer worked for you?  Where do you go when the bubble of progressive politics bursts in your face and you're left in the leftist place on earth?  It seems that the choices are as follows:  either you cling to your beliefs even more zealously and attack anyone who dares to disagree.  Or, if you're like me, you embark on a journey of discovery and recovery.

Robin of Berkeley writes a fascinating piece about her conversion from a typical California liberal to a conservative in a very short period of time.  This is really interesting in terms of understanding how libs think and what motivates them.

If you haven't bookmarked American Thinker, I'd suggest you do so - it's one of my favorites.

There's my two cents.

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