Monday, May 18, 2009

Obama Speaks At Notre Dame

The most pro-death President ever has now spoken at the most widely known Catholic educational institution in the country. This interview with Chris Wallace lays out the case against Obama very clearly:

Clearly, a great many Catholics were against this. In the video clip above, we heard that over 70 top Catholic leaders were against this speech, and millions of Catholics across the country are similarly distressed that Notre Dame went through with it. During his speech, Obama was interrupted four times by protesters:

Gateway Pundit comments: "Now Obama knows what it feels like to be a Republican." He also links to a statement from RNC chairman Michael Steele who said, "Obama's actions speak louder than his words."

On a related note, Eternal Vigilance makes a poignant observation:
Barack Obama told Americans during his last White House press conference that waterboarding terrorist killers was torture. He used a bogus Churchill quote to back up his position.

Unfortunately, Barack Obama has not been as kind to babies born alive after surviving abortion.
He's voted four times in support of infanticide.
This points out the inescapable conclusion that Obama is much, much harder on the unborn than on terrorist killers.

That should help our moral standing in the world a whole lot.

One interviewee I saw on TV pointed out that we'd never see Planned Parenthood invite Pope Benedict to speak at their national convention and give them an honorary degree, so why is it any different for Obama speaking at Notre Dame? It's a signal that there is a great deal of rot inside the Catholic church. For all the bishops who officially condemned the speech, where were they when it happened? Where was the Vatican?

Finally, I want to leave you with a powerful image - a priest being arrested, bound, and carried away for defending the unborn while pro-death, pro-infanticide Obama drinks in the applause on stage.

Words fail.

There's my two cents.

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