Friday, May 22, 2009

The Apology Tour Continues

What is wrong with this guy??
Barack Obama is going to visit Dresden, Germany during D-Day ceremonies this year. For Germans, Dresden is the symbol bar none of German suffering at the hands of the Allies. It was already reported that Obama would recognize German suffering during the anniversary ceremonies. Obama will likely apologize for "American war crimes" during his Dresden stop.
Great. Obama's next going to sh*t on the greatest generation.
The American Thinker has more on Obama's stop in Dresden.

The President of the United States may be planning on equating the strategic bombing of a German city with the deliberate murder of millions of innocents.

Indeed, Rosenthal states that it would be impossible for Obama to go to Dresden and not mention the bombing. And what of his stop at Buchenwald?

It is virtually unthinkable that Obama could give a speech in Dresden and not allude to the bombing of the city. Most of the city's historical monuments - which Obama's advance team were apparently inspecting - were severely damaged or destroyed in the bombing and had to be rebuilt. Moreover, for Obama to visit both Dresden and Buchenwald would suggest precisely the sort of outrageous parallels that have become commonplace in Germany at least since the publication of Friedrich's The Fire.
...No doubt Obama will speak strongly against Nazi terror while in Dresden. But what does it say about our president that he may very well equate what happened to the Jews with what happened to German citizens during the war? Is he capable of recognizing the moral difference? Is he capable of recognizing evil at all?
French blog No Pasaran also has more on the Dresden stop.

And, John Rosenthal wrote more about Obama's Dresden stop at Pajamas Media:

According to an article in the local paper Die Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, representatives of the German and American governments met in Dresden last Wednesday to discuss preparations for the visit. An American security detail is reported to have already scoped out sites in the city: presumably for a public speech.

The symbolic significance of a visit to Dresden by the American president — especially one undertaken in connection with a D-Day commemoration in France — may be missed by some Americans, but it is absolutely unmistakable for the German public. For Germans, Dresden is the symbol bar none of German suffering at the hands of the Allies.
More... Jesse adds this:

The next person that I cast my vote for president for, will be the person that steps up and says. "I make no apologies for my country. We are the most giving country in the world, in aid, security, donations, finance and freedom."
Agreed. Hopefully, there is at least one politician out there who has the stones to say something before Obama spits on America in Dresden.

He should just print up the campaign buttons that say 'America sucks' on them and start passing them out to his staff. I seriously wonder how people can hammer on America and accuse America of all manner of evil while simultaneously enjoying all the benefits of life in America. If America sucks so badly, then why don't they just leave?

It's infuriating when any person off the street does it; for the President to do it is inexcusable.

There's my two cents.

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