Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Remembering Memorial Day

Memorial Day is the day when we honor those who sacrificed their lives for this nation. This is not the same as Veteran's Day, when we honor those who are still among us. Apparently, Barack Obama has now established a habit of confusing the two, once again proving just how in touch he is with our military men and women.

He also gave a speech that included the following:
“We have a responsibility to serve all of them as well as they serve all of us,” Obama said. “And yet, all too often in recent years and decades, we, as a nation, have failed to live up to that responsibility. We have failed to give them the support they need or pay them the respect they deserve.
It would behoove us to examine his use of the word 'we'. I personally don't recall a single instance of military-bashing from a prominent member of the conservative Right, nor even of the Republican party in general. On the contrary, here is a brief refresher on just a few of the wonderfully respectful things the Left has said in support of of the military:
  • "...they went into houses and they actually killed civilians...in cold blood" --- Rep. John Murtha
  • “The point is this isn’t a war to win, it’s a situation to solve." --- Spkr. Nancy Pelosi
  • If I read this to you and didn't tell you it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have happened by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or some mad regime, Pol Pot or others that had no concern for human beings." --- Sen. Dick Durban
  • "We now learn that Saddam's torture chambers reopened under new management, U.S. management." --- Sen. Ted Kennedy
And of course, let's not forget these equally respectful gems from other top Democrats:

Or how about literally dozens of attempts by the party
as a whole to vote for surrender in Iraq?

'We', Mr. President? Hardly. Your side has done nothing but slander, slime, smear, attack, and belittle the brave men and women who protect this nation and fight for freedom around the world! You are the one cutting the military's budget this year, taking away some of the absolute best technology this planet has ever seen, thus making the job of those men and women more difficult and dangerous. 'We', Mr. President? I think not. With all of these high-profile Dems leading the charge, it's not hard to figure out that it's a top-heavy belief exclusively of the Left, which I guess explains why more vets are Reps than Dems.

Nevertheless, the rest of us acknowledge the great debt we owe to those have have given their lives to preserve the American way of life. To that end, I wanted to post a couple of videos that I really like. You may have seen them before, but they're worth repeating. Enjoy:


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