Thursday, May 14, 2009

Are You Worth The Cost Of Your Health Care?

One of the most sobering parts of nationalizing health care is the inevitable rationing of health care. Here's how it all works...

By giving out all health care for free -- which is deceitful in itself, since taxes will be increased to pay for all this 'free' stuff -- the demand will skyrocket. You've seen it yourself every time you've been to a grand opening of a new store where they're giving out free stuff - there's a ton of people looking for the goodies. So, if health care is free, the demand will be through the roof. At some point, it will become obvious that even the higher taxes used to pay for this 'free' health care are insufficient, but the public will not stand for any further taxation. Thus, the only option left is to start limiting the available health care. And, when the limits begin, then we have the hideous reality of a government bureaucrat deciding who gets what treatment.

This is happening all over the world right now where nationalized health care has been implemented.

Even liberal Democrats understand this, though they are trying very, very hard not to admit it. This guy screwed up:

Hot Air offers this analysis:
In a non-shortage, free-market approach, people can choose for themselves whether to pursue cost-effective strategies based on their own resources, and the free market would incentivize the creation of enough resources to meet the demand. Only by restricting choice and setting prices will resources become scarce, which we have seen gradually for the last several decades in our own heavily-regulated health-care system, and seen dramatically in the various single-payer systems around the world.

What happens when the state controls all the resources? New resources do not develop, and the government winds up rationing care based on its own priorities, and not the priorities of the patients or caregivers.
Deciding that old people aren't worth the cost of their medications and procedures is the cold reality of what will happen first...but the same cost-benefit analysis will be applied to anyone and everyone. Is this the kind of society you want to live in?

Liberals want this because they're more interested in intentions than in results. As such, 'fairness' is paramount, even when it isn't a good thing:
Like in all other arenas, their prescription for equality of result will mean that everyone gets treated equally poorly, and that we will eventually start culling out the weak in favor of the strong. We’ve essentially returned to the eugenics arguments of the early 20th century, a dark period of human history we should be avoiding rather than embracing on the floor of the Senate.
Amen to that. Call your Senators and Rep, and tell them your thoughts on the subject...while you're still able to.

There's my two cents.

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