Friday, May 15, 2009

Barack Obama: Saving Losing Jobs Right And Left!

Yes, indeed, he's working wonders with American jobs:

Boeing in St. Louis

Thousands of jobs could be in jeopardy at St. Louis' second largest employer: Boeing.

The aerospace company announced the government's planned defense budget cutbacks will slow production of two locally-built planes and eliminate the jobs of the employees who make them. Michael Moran has helped build hundreds, if not thousands, of C-17 cargo planes.

...The bottom line is Boeing needs to get through to President Obama, Congress and Secretary Gates. If not, they stand to lose more than 5,000 jobs at Boeing in St. Louis, and 30,000 total local jobs, including suppliers.

Boeing executives are reaching out to anyone who will listen. They're trying to get Congress to put the planes back in the budget.

Gateway Pundit nails it:  "It's just a shame Boeing is not a subsidiary of ACORN. Then they would be hiring."

These lost jobs are due to Obama's defense spending cuts.

Steel workers in Pennsylvania

...In recent weeks, its largest client -- a steel pipemaker located one mile down the road -- notified Duferco Farrell that it would be canceling orders. Instead, the client is buying from companies with 100 percent U.S. production to meet the new stimulus regulations. Duferco has had to furlough 80 percent of its workforce.

"You need to tell me how inhibiting business between two companies located one mile apart is going to save American jobs," said Bob Miller, Duferco Farrell's executive vice president. "I've got 600 United Steel Workers out there who are going to lose their jobs because of this. And you tell me this is good for America?" ...

This is because of Obama's non-stimulating 'stimulus' package.


Chrysler LLC wants to eliminate 789 of its U.S. 3,200 dealerships, saying in a bankruptcy court filing Thursday that the network is antiquated and has too many stores competing with each other.

The company, in a motion filed with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York, said many of the dealers' sales are too low. Just over 50 percent of the dealers account for about 90 percent of the company's U.S. sales, the motion said.

The move, which the dealers can appeal, is likely to cause devastating affects in cities and towns across the country as thousands of jobs are lost and taxes are not paid.


General Motors is notifying 1,100 of its 6,000 dealers today that it will not renew their franchise agreements when they expire by October 2010.

This is the automaker's first step in slashing 40 percent of its retail network as part of a major restructuring aimed at reviving the company. GM plans to shrink its dealer network down to 3,600 dealers by the end of next year.

Remember, Obama controls both Chrysler and GM, so these cuts are being dictated by him.

Bank of America and Citi

As has been leaked (of course) the banks will have 30 days to come up with a plan once the results are made public.

One very interesting note, which David Zaring picked up on, is that in this 30 day period "…firms will need to review their existing management and Board in order to assure that the leadership of the firm has sufficient expertise and ability to manage the risks presented by the current economic environment."

In other words, if you're on the least-favored CEO list — we're looking at you Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit and Bank of America (BAC) CEO Ken Lewis — it's time to start talking about succession, planning for the future and resignation.

This is the result of TARP money being forced onto big banks (whether they needed it or not).

How many times do we need to go over this, and how many people have to be personally affected before America rises up to stop Obama's destructive economic policies?  I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the biggest problem the American economy has is Barack Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress.  They are destroying this nation's economic prosperity, killing thousands of jobs, and expanding government in unprecedented ways.  This country is resilient, and so are its people...but there is only so much carnage that even the most resilient people and nation can absorb.

If many of those Americans who voted for Obama hoping for a change do not open their eyes to what's going on -- or if they are not reached with the TRUTH by those of us who do see it -- he will be able to complete his 're-making' project.  Unfortunately, that means the incredible freedom and prosperity we have today will shrivel into mediocrity, and the U.S. will simply become another limping socialist state like most of Europe.

Don't let it happen.  Spread the word.  You have until November 2010, and the clock is already ticking.

There's my two cents.

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