Thursday, May 14, 2009

That Wonderful Leftist Tolerance

Gateway Pundit has a terrific roundup of that wonderful Leftist tolerance in action:
Ben Shapiro at Townhall wonders, "If You Disagree With Obama, Are You Anti-American?"
Every tyranny begins with a few simple steps. First, the budding tyranny takes far-reaching control of the economy in the name of the people -- what syndicated radio host Jerry Doyle has called "economic fascism." Often, such economic fascism begins with talk about speculators. "Until we apply terror to speculators -- shooting on the spot -- we won’t get anywhere," Lenin said in 1918. Hitler directed the Nazi electoral platform against "Jewish speculators" in 1928. Today, Obama derides investors in Chrysler as "a small group of speculators," bluntly stating, "I don’t stand with them."

Second, the budding tyrant identifies personal insults as insults to the country. In 1924, upon Lenin’s death, Joseph Stalin famously demanded personal loyalty to Lenin’s memory from the unfortunates living under Soviet rule: "We swear to you, comrade Lenin, that we will not spare our lives in order to strengthen the union of the working people of the entire world -- the communist international!" In 1934, Hitler forced German soldiers and civil servants to take oaths proclaiming allegiance to him personally.

Today, Obama and his followers demonize anyone who challenges the Obama agenda as unpatriotic traitors to the country.
Ben Johnson writes about "All the Rage" at Frontpage Online:
Another Leftist Death Wish: Ho-Hum

The media have focused on the “controversy” surrounding Saturday’s Syke-o statements about Rush Limbaugh. Citing Rush’s hope that “socialism fails,” Wanda claimed: “He's not saying anything different than what Osama bin Laden is saying. You know, you might want to look into this, sir, [addressing the president] because I think maybe Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker, but he was so strung out on Oxycontin, he missed his flight.” After asking if she went too far, she barreled on: “Rush Limbaugh! ‘I hope the country fails’? I hope his kidneys fail!”

Disgusting as the statements were, they were sadly unremarkable for their illogic, hypocrisy, or murderous rage. Forget that Barack Obama has written book blurbs for more terrorists than Rush Limbaugh has ever met. Forget that when the media reported one person at a John McCain presidential rally yelled “kill him” about Obama – a charge which Secret Service in crowd called unfounded – Frank Rich of the New York Times treated McCain-Palin like the second coming of Robert DePugh and accused them of “inciting vigilantism.” Even the comment’s most striking feature – wishing for someone to die because he disagrees with you – is all-too-common on the Left and, indeed, was greeted with gales of laughter from the D.C. press corps and the commander-in-chief.
And, at NewsBusters, Matthew Balan writes that CNN wants Dick Cheney to just shut up:
Three CNN personalities and one regular commentator on Monday’s No Bias, No Bull program all tried to get Republicans Bay Buchanan and Kevin Madden to disown former Vice President Dick Cheney, and agree with some unnamed Republicans who call for him to “just shut up.” Host Roland Martin characterized Cheney’s multiple media appearances recently as “turning into a big problem for the family of Republicans” and that “some Republicans wish the former V.P. would just shut up.”

Correspondent Jessica Yellin and Drew Griffin saw no good in the politician’s media tour, with Yellin labeling Cheney “one of the least popular figures in the Republican Party, aside from Rush Limbaugh.”
The reality is that when the Left talks about 'tolerance', they actually mean agreement. So, in order to be 'tolerant' of the Left's hot button du jour, you actually have to agree with their position on it.

Amazingly, their definition of 'tolerance' -- with which you have to agree -- is the most intolerant, biased, crude, and vicious position possible.


There's my two cents.

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