Thursday, May 8, 2008

And One More Thing...

I wanted to comment further on one detail of my previous post about which party is the party of the people based on Franc's column about presidential contributions.  Check out that post before reading on below.

Would someone please tell me how the unemployed managed to give almost $15 million (by far the biggest amount on this list) to the Democrat party?  If these people don't have a job, how are they coming up with $15 million to send off to a presidential campaign?  Are there some books being cooked here?  Are these so-called unemployed lying about having a job?  Something doesn't add up.  I've been unemployed before, and I assure you that I was far more concerned with things like food and heat than sending big bucks to any political campaign!

Perhaps more revealing is the incredible disparity of this unemployed category.  If money is to be any indicator, the vast majority -- so much so that it might as well be all -- of people on unemployment lean Democrat.  So, is it any surprise that the Democrats are all about giving government services to anyone anytime for anything?  They have found a growing constituency that is more than happy to permanently leech off of our bloated government for free stuff, and the Dems have no intention of discouraging that dependence.

Someone sent me an e-mail a while back (unfortunately, I can't find it at the moment) that was a great example of how dangerous this sort of dependence is.  I'll try to paraphrase.

How do you catch a herd of wild pigs in a forest?  First, you set out some food in a clearing and leave it alone.  The pigs will come around, look at it suspiciously, but will still eat it before moving along.  Keep setting out the food every day; the pigs will come eat it every day.  When they have become dependent upon the food on the ground, set up one wall of a pen next to the food.  The pigs will probably be suspicious of the wall that first day, but they're depending on that source of food, so they'll ignore the fence and keep eating.  When the pigs are comfortable with the wall, set up a second wall, then a third.  The pigs will initially be suspicious at each new section, but will continue to ignore it to get the food they now depend on.  Finally, on the last day, while the pigs are eating the free food inside the 3-walled pen, you just walk up and drop the fourth wall down.  They're trapped.

This is what we get when we let liberalism run rampant: dangerous dependence.  The Democrats have mastered this tactic, and those who fall into the trap will regret it.  Even those of us who don't will suffer, because if too many of the herd get trapped, there will not be enough of us let outside the pen to even set them free.

There's my two cents.

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