Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Update On The Fight Against Amnesty

Michelle Malkin reports that a letter has been sent to Harry Reid expressing disappointment for including amnesty in the war funding bill, and it was signed by 10 GOP Senators.  While that's great news, it's far too few!  Senator Inhofe has a place where you can 'sign' the letter, as well: click here.  Sen. David Vitter, the chairman of the U.S. Senate Border Security and Enforcement First Caucus, plans to offer an amendment to strip out the amnesty provision from the war funding bill.

Call your Senators right now - the debate is in progress, and a vote is expected today, possibly this morning.  I am hoping for good things, because I have not yet been able to get through to either of my Senators.  One has no one answering and a full mailbox, and the other has been constantly busy.  Hopefully this means that a lot of people are calling in...but don't let that stop you!

Make your voice heard.

There's my two cents.

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