Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sanity In Congress?!

From Heavy-Handed Politics:
"Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX) introduced a bill that would freeze the mandated fivefold increase in ethanol production by 2022. The mandate was part of last year’s energy bill and, according to Hutchinson, was 'well-intentioned... but it was also impractical.' She pointed to a 240-percent rise in the price of corn, wheat and soybeans in the last two years."
Wow! Sanity...in Congress, of all places! But wait, there's more...

Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota has introduced the "Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act", which will repeal the phasing-out of incandescent light bulbs.
"This is an issue of science over fads and fashions," Bachmann said in an interview. "Congress tends to jump on whatever the current buzz is in the 24-hour news cycle."

"By 2012, incandescent light bulbs will be no more," Bachmann said. "Fluorescent bulbs are more polluting because of their mercury content. We are working on a light bulb bill. If the Democrats can hose up a light bulb, don't trust them with the country."
Double wow! Put these two together, and we might actually get somewhere! Seriously, though, please take a moment to contact your Senators/Rep to support these measures. They will reduce environmental stupidity, which is all too common in Congress, and America.

There's my two cents.

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